Contour Correction: do it or not?

Contour Correction: do it or not?
 Gone are the days when you had to go under the knife to wipe out the traces of time - folds and wrinkles, "crow's feet" around the eyes. Today, you can restore youth and beauty by non-invasive - using contouring. Whether or not to resort to this procedure? Everyone decides it himself, carefully weighing all the "pros" and "cons".

What is the contour or volume plastic? This entity forms correction by introducing a drug through the skin hyaluronic acid. The molecules of the substance hold water around them, creating a relief of a young person. Hyaluronic acid in our skin is, by nature, but after 35 years of its production is reduced. Artificially synthesized drugs help remove wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose and the nose, eliminate the "crow's feet" wrinkles on the eyelids, nasolabial folds, vertical wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, on the lips and under them. With the help of hyaluronic acid contouring can also augment the lips, to smooth out acne scars, prevent the development of small wrinkles at a young age.

Contour correction takes 30-40 minutes. Biogel based on hyaluronic acid is introduced into the region under the crease or wrinkle. He gives the volume of the tissue, resulting in wrinkles are smoothed. If on the application of techniques of contouring to combat age-related changes usually no doubts, something about lip augmentation, many women hesitate.

If you entrust your appearance professionals, nothing terrible will happen. Make contour plastic lips - it does not mean to increase their several times and turn into a cake - now in vogue natural beauty. Often only need to slightly adjust the shape, give the lips a little bulk. In parallel, it slightly to align the skin, remove wrinkles and folds. Age limits for contouring procedure is not, it is performed under local anesthesia, so not very painful. Microinjection made preparations Restyline, Juvederm, Surgederm and others. This artificially synthesized analogues of natural hyaluronic acid.

Result of contouring visible immediately after injection, but 1-2 days can hold a small swelling. Within 2 weeks after contouring can not use the sauna and swimming pool, sunbathing in the sun or in a solarium, massage. After 4-6 months of bio-gel dissolves and injections need to be repeated again. The duration of action depends on the skin type and activity of facial expressions.

Injection can not be done during pregnancy disorders in immunity, hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid. In all other cases, contour plastic quite harmful.

Tags: No plastic biogel