5 taboo for cuteness

 The word taboo is strictly forbidden to do anything for fear of heavenly punishment. However, the punishment of heaven-doji can be given for a long time, and it is not certain that the Doge-deshsya. Rely on the powers of the heavens in ancient VRE-exchange considered objectionable, personal, and rule-ho roshego tone was in punishing the unlucky fellow is independent, but. In our supposedly civi-ized century on the Lord's punishment does not count, so those who have broken the taboo today, Kara immediately - inattention and stigma uninteresting and unattractive women.

So, what are they attractive taboo for women in today's society, which is the main religion, according to the popular "Sex and the City", is the relationship between the sexes?

Obscene speech

The use of strong language is permissible only to face a longshoreman. Yes, the situation in which the mat and rude and asks the language inevitably arise. It all depends on the circumstances - you can sometimes allow a significant pause in its place. Still, in most cases, and should refrain from doing so.

The reason for the apology: can not be. Accustomed to use obscene speech for a sketch of the tragic situation at work in conversation with a friend, you're bound to get used to say them in principle. Can not be held "in reserve" are two different variants of behavior, otherwise inevitably worst bowels out when you least expect it.

"War Paint"

Most men do not understand why women cosmetics. But if some men do not understand the reasons for the use of cosmetics, you do not understand everything bright "colors". Purple lips, eyelids green and crimson cheeks will not leave anyone indifferent - horror of indifference can not be considered. In addition, men do not like to eat cosmetics, and as much painted lady no idea to kiss a person who does not arise out of fear of getting severe food poisoning.

The reason for the apology: masquerade ball or Halloween. Well, or even a couple of cases where overly extravagant make-up situation requires. In all other cases - moderation, temperance and moderation again.

Piercing and Tattoos

Mankind will gladly take over the fact that for many centuries has been given to certain sectors of society. Long time no one thinks it shameful to dye your hair, even in the nineteenth century it was done solely prostitutes. A similar situation and with tattoos. But here's one thing - tattoos, our society is still not accustomed to as a hair dye. They look vulgar in most cases, whatever - is ridiculous to say - "secret" meaning in themselves do not carry. Vulgarity - their constant companion. Piercing is sometimes very funny looks when earrings and rings adorn the navel or the language of a teenage girl. But when a grown young lady, which, at least, 20 years old, adorns the nose ring with a brilliant stone surrounding smile, and not touching.

The reason for the apology: The only punctures, which only accentuate a woman's beauty, it's earrings. Pay special attention: one piece each. All other punctures, as well as intricate pictures on the skin, bring your image to the image of the savage tribe of mumbo jumbo, or - depending on the distinctive marks of each of the tribes.


Build a reasonable relationship to alcohol is quite simple: you have to know when to stop. Drinking alcohol leads to irreversible consequences for your body ... and so on through the text warning the Ministry of Health. In addition, there is no spectacle more woe than a drunken lady. And, believe me, when a man says that he likes girls drunk, he likely meant one of two things: either he was attracted by the availability of the same peculiar to women with a high content of alcohol in the blood, or the same color on the cheeks and the gleam in his eyes . Tell you a secret: color and shine appear after the first glass of wine, and their number does not mean improving your appearance.

The reason for the apology: almost every one of us there are situations where the extermination of alcohol mistakenly seemed way out of a difficult situation. But never, remember, never look like the output in the company of friends, in a society of men, or any get-together.

Negligence in appearance

That's just not to be confused with flashy casual demonstrative slovenliness. Peeps gum panties, noticeable through tight clothes ornament on linen, the use of brilliant elements in everyday clothes, shabby manicure - it all looks, at least, unpleasant. Clothing from too different in texture fabrics, especially if things are the same color, dark tights with light shoes leaves the impression nesobrannosti and complete dislike to him. Guess what follows?

The reason for the apology: do not make me laugh. There are none and can not be.

Do not believe the famous dictum, though the rules are written to be broken. Basically, the violation of the above rules leads to the destruction of something positive and pleasant, spoils the impression of a woman. The impression can be corrected, but not make it again. So do not miss an opportunity to make a good impression right away.
