Nanokosmetika What is this?

Nanokosmetika What is this?
 Modern cosmetology is not standing still, today, a new era - the era of nano-complexes. Nanokosmetika makes it possible to solve any cosmetic problems due to the use of nanotechnology and nanoparticles at the cellular level.
 Nanokosmetika contains in its composition crushed biologically active substances, beneficial effects on the skin. Each of these substances gets into defined layers of the skin for a fixed amount in a strictly predetermined time. Thus, the active ingredients are delivered directly to the problem of skin layers. The basis of this mechanism work nanosomes representing microscopic containers with useful microelements. The skin of different people has its own characteristics and is in a different state, so depending on the problems to be solved nanosomes packaged in the form of nano-complexes containing selected combination of ingredients necessary to correct skin tone and maintain cells.

Nanocomplex act like a sponge. They hold the active substances and release them free only where it is needed, the signal cells, which need these substances. In addition, nanocomplexes attract dead skin cells and surface impurities, removes toxins from the different layers of the skin, providing them with a deep cleansing. Penetrating into the skin, nanokosmetika is structured "grid", which gradually smooths not only wrinkles but also scars, scars, stretch marks, improves skin elasticity.

Nanokosmetika to create an almost ideal conditions for the life of skin cells. Due to the fact that the active substances are ground to very small (nano) size, they readily react with the cells of the skin and are perceived as natural components. As a result of natural processes run skin regeneration, the recovery of its own structure, increases energy levels, protective properties, vitality, and most importantly - slows down the aging process. Modern nanokosmetika can be used to eliminate the signs of skin aging and for the prevention of and the early and the late stages of the skin manifestations of recurrent changes.

Tags: leather, review, nanotechnology, nanokosmetika