Lifting without a scalpel: anti-age cosmetics

Lifting without a scalpel: anti-age cosmetics
 Aging of the skin - this process is completely natural, and completely get rid of it can not be a single person. Therefore, the manifestation of the aging process - it is the only cosmetic flaw that is not an indicator of any pathology, but often leads patients to the doctor's office - a plastic surgeon.
 But today's existing production technology of high-performance cosmetics allow to postpone the need for this visit to the "perfect way", and timely use of anti-age cosmetics allow skin to stay young and beautiful appearance, becoming a cause for enthusiastic and envious glances. To create such a cosmetic used drugs of plant and animal origin, but their use should begin when the signs of aging skin yet.

Most often, the components of these funds are hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils, affecting the regeneration processes in the skin and the retention of water in it and vitamins that affect the regeneration processes in all layers of the skin. Production of such anti-age cosmetics engaged leading foreign concerns, but recently began to appear on the shelves means of domestic production.

To maintain recovery processes at the proper level, the effective recovery of cell membranes necessarily use of vegetable oils (sesame, olive, almond). The state and the number of skin lipids that provide immunity to the epidermis damaging environmental factors and the relationship between epidermal cells themselves influenced ceramides derived from plants, such as rice ceramides.

The processes of hydration of the skin affected by hyaluronic acid and the formation of a film on the skin surface does not affect the metabolism, but retention of course available in the skin moisture, affect the so-called filmogennye substance. But the percentage of these types of compounds depends on the age and condition of the skin, while the older skin, so more and less gialuronidov filmogennyh particular substances contained in the serum or cream. Many companies produce a series of caregivers drugs that are resistant gradation - up to 25 years, 25-35 years, 35-45 years and for very mature skin.

Necessary to have a complex preparations of substances that neutralize free radicals - a group vitamins E and C, plant hormones, in large enough quantities contained in green tea extract seeds of red grapes. These cosmetic products, along with extracts of ginseng, schizandra, Siberian Ginseng, Rhodiola have a tonic effect on the skin.

Sure, you can use these cosmetics and of decoctions and infusions received at home, but to achieve the effect of impact have to be complex.

Tags: skin care, cosmetics, age, anti, rejuvenation, scalpel