Today cosmetics used everywhere. Perhaps there is no such person who had never been used. Therefore, the production of cosmetics - it is a profitable business. Advertising campaigns promise to return bygone beauty quickly and painlessly. First of all, any advertising aimed at women's credulity. But you can not always get what was promised, because the use of cosmetics is designed only for healthy skin, a direct therapeutic effect, none of cosmetics has not.
Lately TV downright intimidating horror stories about parabens, lauryl sulfate, glycerin, lanolin ... The list could go on for a long time. And it's not about what components lays in the cosmetics manufacturer (it will not produce products of prohibited ingredients), and how the consumer uses it.
First of all, it is necessary to use tools that are suitable for a particular skin type. Sensitive skin, occurs in people with lowered immunity. Therefore, before applying cosmetics such people must first strengthen the immune system (at least multivitamins) and consult with a specialist.
Apply cosmetics must be extremely careful not to stretch or damage the skin. Brushes, sponges and other devices must be periodically washed, so as not to spread germs settled on them.
About the fact that the skin should be cleaned at night is known to many, but there adhere to this rule? Day the skin only performs protective function, but at night it begins to actively "work" and absorb what has been accumulated for den.Vse chemicals have their rate of absorption, therefore, applying any cleaning agents, do not leave them for a long time on the skin, so as not to violate its own protective layer.
Cream designed to hydrate the skin, it is only necessary to apply to clean skin. During the procedure, skin cleansing, activated by specialized cells - macrophages that destroy dead cells and free way nutrients.
You can not use cosmetics with end-of-life. And to ensure that the cream was stored for longer typing it should be a special shovel. Dangerous for cosmetics bright light and temperature changes. Nor must it be forgotten that the cream should be stored with the lid tightly closed.
The benefits and dangers of cosmetics can be a long time to debate, but studies have shown that when used properly, cosmetics, skin ages less quickly, which means that there is still time to be beautiful.