This procedure does not require surgical intervention. The essence of the method of skin resurfacing (dermabrasion) is mechanical action on the upper layers of the epidermis by means of the rotary blade with slightly tapered material, whereby the skin is equalized. After polishing the skin, the face looks flushed some time, in the healing of skin may form a kind of crust. It may be necessary to avoid the antibiotic therapy of inflammatory processes. However, the results will justify the expectations.
More gentle kind of cosmetic skin resurfacing microdermabrasion facial is that in their effectiveness resembles peeling. This procedure allows you to significantly narrow pores, improve skin tone and reduce sebum production.
Laser resurfacing - a progressive and popular method of cosmetic facial resurfacing. When exposed to the laser beam on the skin is lifted the upper layer of the skin, burns on the skin but is not formed.
By the procedure of grinding skin should be prepared in advance:
- Pass the examination of the body;
- Stop taking medications such as aspirin, antibiotics, hormones, because they contribute to retention of fluid in the body, which can lead to increased pigmentation of the skin;
- Consult a beautician, because if the skin there are small acne, skin resurfacing procedure is better to postpone temporarily, because mechanical effect on inflamed skin is able to spread foci of infection and healthy areas.
Cosmetic facial skin resurfacing is performed during the warmer months, as cold adversely affect the healing process of skin regeneration.