Traditional saunas, with their dry steam and high temperatures, are becoming increasingly rare. Even the ancestors of this kind of baths, Finns have increasingly used Russian brooms and throw up concoctions of herbs on the hot stones. Therefore, all of the recommendations in this article - for a bath with mild steam.
Never take it with a traditional bath shower gels, leave them for the daily care. The fact that they form a film on the body, which prevents the correct operation of the sebaceous glands. Before the first entry in the steam room is recommended to rub the body mitt or sponge from sisal. Then take a warm shower to wash away dead skin dry skin particles, wet body with a towel, and you can go in a steam room.
After the body to steam, proceed to use scrubs. It is better if you yourself do these scrubs because knows how to behave finished cosmetic products at high temperature.
The sauna is better to use a cleansing mask several times, gradually increasing their intensity. In the second or third set in the steam room, you can rub the body with sea salt. This should be done not so much to avoid scratching the skin steamed. You will immediately notice how increased sweating at elevated temperature. Finnish women are traditionally used in the sauna even honey. One may prepare a mixture of honey and salt in equal amounts by volume, or applied to the skin first, honey, and has thereon - salt.
To make another scrub, in a mixture of honey and salt should be added granules sleeps coffee. Do not buy this for just scrub ground coffee, the particles are coarser and bath intensity of mechanical action does not really matter. Here you can add and a little red pepper, which also increase blood circulation. With the addition of peppers must be careful, every skin type your level of sensitivity. It is recommended to start with a small amount until you define pleasant for your body ratio.
Once you've spent all cleaning procedures, you can proceed to a hydrating mask and body wraps. A good result will give masks or wraps, which include blue clay. For the preparation of a clay mask must be diluted with water or herbal infusion to the consistency of sour cream and add a few drops of essential oil of orange, lemon, geranium, grapefruit. All of these oils are part of the ready-made anti-cellulite, so the body mask with their application will have the same effect. After you apply this mask on the body can be wrapped, to hide a sheet and soak a few minutes (5-7) on the bottom shelf in the steam room.
For mature skin can recommend a mask for the body. Yellow clay dissolve the mineral water and add 2-3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil. This oil contains large amounts of antioxidants and is extremely useful.
In all of these masks and wraps the oil solution may be added vitamins A and E, which would increase their efficiency.
After all the cleaning procedures if you are sure that no longer go to the steam room and your skin has cooled slightly, and you can make a hydrating mask for the face and body.
Here is one of them. In a tablespoon of cottage cheese, add 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of olive oil. Apply on face and décolleté for 15-20 minutes and lie down, relax. Wash off the mask can be mineral water or decoction of chamomile. You'll notice that the skin was smooth, moisturized.
Anti-aging mask - a tablespoon of sour cream add the same amount of fresh or frozen raspberries, strawberries, red currants, 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes. After you wash away the mask, you can apply your favorite nourishing cream.
When applying all recommended masks you should be sure that their constituent ingredients will not cause you an allergic reaction.