If a skin problem, the liquid glycerin can be used in pure form, instead of cleansing lotion. It improves the cell regeneration, whereby inflammation heal faster. In addition, glycerin serves as a skin-moisture, without burdening its other components. You can make a tonic decoction of chamomile and calendula, to which 100 mg add one teaspoon of glycerin. The effect of its application will not only cleaning, but also calming.
Masks with glycerol useful for all skin types. Universal participation will be a mixture of honey and glycerin, taken in equal proportions. The mask becomes quite liquid, so it added oatmeal to get the consistency of thick cream. If the skin is dry, then to the mixture, you can add a few drops of essential oil suitable.
Suitable for sensitive skin mask of egg yolk mixed with glycerin, to which are added a few drops of citrus oils. Oily skin suit the composition of cucumber juice, glycerin and oatmeal.
Hands need perhaps more care than a person, as are constantly faced with water and detergent. To remove the irritation, you can use a mask for sensitive skin. If the time to prepare a special mask is not, you can simply add a hand cream a few drops of glycerin.
So that the use of glycerol in cosmetics can be varied and useful.