Before you open a bank note on the shelf life of the cream, printed on the packaging. He usually affixed next to the stylized image of the banks with the cover removed. Make a note of the date when you started to use this cosmetic product.
If the package is not there is a special spatula, followed by the "scoop" cream jars, use for this purpose, disposable plastic knife - fingers in the cream is better omitted. Necessary portion of the cream is much easier to remove from the banks with the help of a spatula, get rid of excess cream without touching it.
It is best cleaned daily fat cream on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, especially in the summer. Now manufacturers offer special original small refrigerators for storing cosmetics. In various branches of such a device is supported by different temperature, so it can be placed in cosmetic preparations with different recommended storage temperature. For fat cream optimum temperature is between 8 and 10 ° C.
Fat cream homemade is best used immediately or, subject to the correct storage temperature for 5 days. Cream, bought in a pharmacy or department store, which is composed of components that protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation is kept lower than normal. Reduces the shelf life of the cream essential oil or vitamin C, indicated in its composition. Keep this in mind when using the creams.
Nourishing Body Cream has a longer shelf life than a face cream. But in any case, keep an open jar with cream for more than 9 months is not recommended.