Then you have to put a hand in the UV lamp for 1 minute to gel polimerizatsirovalsya. At that time, while on the one hand and the nails dry out under UV irradiation, the gel may be applied to the nails of the second arm. After the coating is polymerized adhesive dispersion layer need not to clean. On top of it to the nails should be put firming transparent gel and polymerize in the UV lamp for 30 seconds. Same way to get the basics for applying varnish.
Using a brush, apply on top of the dispersion adhesive gel layer a little gel varnish. In the area of cuticle work very carefully. With okolonogtevoy skin and cuticle excess gel is removed plastic pusher. The hands are then alternately placed in the UV-lamp for 3 minutes for polymerization.
At work it is necessary to comply with a certain sequence:
1. Apply gel nail on the right little finger.
2. Place the little finger in the UV lamp for 5 seconds and at the same time to apply the varnish on the left little finger, then the hands are swapped.
3. The sequence of overlaying and curing nail polish is necessary to alternate both hands and on to prevent wicking material on the periungual skin and cuticles.
Upon completion of this phase of work on each nail with a thin layer must be applied ultrazakreplyayuschy gel. Apply it, trying to make the thickness of the layer at the cuticle and free edge of the nail minimal. Further sealing is performed alternately with a nail on the distribution of the material to the free edge of the nail and the sides. Surplus must be removed using a plastic pusher.
Then you need to put his hand in the UV unit for 1 minute to ultrazakreplyayuschy transparent gel hardened. Dispersion layer is removed impregnated means "Klianser Place" with the sponge to be used no more than 2-3 nails. If it is not replaced in time, fade gel layer.