Many women, carefully taking care of your face, hands and neck, forget about the chest, so that the skin on the breast loses its elasticity and natural beauty. Meanwhile, the breast skin is very thin, dry, strongly influenced by various unfavorable factors and, of course, aging. Therefore Breast needs constant and regular maintenance.
If you decide to engage seriously in the beauty of the bust, it does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money on expensive creams. Cream for a bust of natural ingredients you can cook at home, without spending a lot of money. Interestingly, many "busty" beauties believe that it is natural ingredients in a cream for the bust - the most useful and effective.
So what are the cream of the bust can be prepared at home from natural ingredients?
One of the most common prescription cream for breast - cream oatmeal. His cooking very simple: 2st.l. oatmeal pour a glass of boiling water and allow to infuse for 15-20 minutes. The finished slurry is applied to a breast in the form of heat, is left for 10 minutes and then removed with a cotton swab. Oatmeal Cream bust saturates the skin with vitamins, moisturizing, giving it a healthy glow and improves elasticity.
Curd cream for the bust. Mix 1st.l. cheese and 2st.l. warm milk, rub the mixture into a creamy mush. Apply to the chest for 10 minutes, then remove with a cotton swab. Cream improves skin color.
Honey cream. Creams for the bust of honey not only saturate the skin of the breast, but also to tighten it. Honey can be mixed in equal proportions with almonds - this mask has a rejuvenating effect. Also, honey can be mixed with egg white. Honey masks, creams are applied to the chest for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
Oil creams for the bust. Oil creams are very useful for the breast skin, as they have a wonderful moisturizing effect. Particularly useful for the following cosmetic breast oils: almond, grapeseed, olive, peach. By oil cream can be added as components of milk, honey.
Very useful for a beautiful bust mask-creams made with fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. For example, the mask-cream can be made from wild strawberries, apples, bananas, potatoes, cucumber. The composition of such creams home, you can add cream, sour cream, yogurt or honey, then their use is increasing.
Using masks and creams for the bust from natural ingredients, do not forget to massage the breast, follow the rules of hygiene. Then your bust will look chic and effectively for many years.