The secret first.
Coffee contains caffeine, and many other nutrients to maintain health and beauty.
It should be remembered that an excessive amount of coffee can harm the body. Norma drunk flavored drink for a healthy person - 1-2 cups a day.
The caffeine in coffee beans, stimulating effect on the central nervous system and charges the body with energy and vigor. Coffee reduces fatigue and drowsiness, increases efficiency.
The secret of a second.
In coffee contains active antioxidants.
They fight free radicals that destroy the cells of the body.
The secret of the third.
Coffee beneficial for the skin.
There are many popular recipes on the basis of coffee for skin beauty. For home masks, scrubs and lotions are suitable and black and green ground coffee beans. Also can be used to mask the used coffee grounds.
Recipe coffee lotion, improves dull skin. Brew strong coffee without sugar, cool and pour into molds for ice. Freeze infusion and wipe the face with ice so after washing every morning. This natural frozen lotion improves complexion, reduces swelling, tones the skin cells.
On the basis of ground coffee make homemade facial scrubs. One popular scrubs - coffee and honey mixed in equal proportions. Scrub is massaged into the skin with gentle movements for 3-5 minutes, after which the mixture is left on the face for 10 minutes in a nutrient mask.
Masks of coffee fighting wrinkles and skin laxity. Anti-aging mask recipe: Dissolve 1 tbsp rye flour strong coffee to the consistency of thick cream. Add to the mix 1 tsp almond oil. Apply the product on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this procedure once a week.
The secret of the fourth.
Coffee good for the skin of the body.
Body scrub with coffee perfectly cleanses the skin cells, removes dead skin particles, gives elasticity, smoothness and elasticity. For soft skrabiruyuschego effect, add a tablespoon of ground coffee in a shower gel. This tool is suitable for everyday use, as gently removes impurities from the skin. Before drinking a bottle of gel necessary to shake.
For a more thorough scrubbing mix 1 tbsp coffee and 2 tablespoons fat sour cream. Following the adoption of a relaxing bath massage this scrub body for 5 minutes. Means actively struggling with dry skin.
The secret of the fifth.
Coffee beneficial for the hair and scalp.
To repair damaged hair and strengthen their shine, use a mask with coffee. Mix 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon Roma and 2 tablespoons of warm water. Add the mask 1 tsp coffee and 1 tsp grape seed oil.
Apply the mask for half an hour before washing, insulate head with a towel. Mask restores the structure, improves the appearance of hair color makes curls more saturated and bright.
The secret of the sixth.
Coffee - natural hair color.
To give your hair a dark brown shade coffee mixed with henna powder and dyed hair, according to instructions.
Another simple way to refresh dull dark hair with coffee - brew strong coffee and cool it. Apply infusion from a spray on hair, then comb it thoroughly. This method instantly boosting shine, gives them a rich color and softness, as well as wraps hair thin coffee aroma.
The secret of the seventh.
Coffee helps cellulite.
Coffee - known means to combat cellulite. Mix 200 g of coffee powder and cocoa powder. Fill them with 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Apply gruel on problem areas in hot and wrap with plastic wrap. Such hot cellulite wraps should be done once a week, leaving them on the skin for a half hour.