Scrub - a cosmetic product, which is used for deep cleansing. In another cleaning procedure body scrub can be called "mechanical peeling." The composition of any scrub different density and the presence of solids therein, similar to the sand. The basis for these "sand" may be a gel, cream or yoghurt. Scrub the bath is of two types: face and body.
Exposure to scrub the skin:
Solid particles rub against the skin, removing the top layer of the thinnest, which consists mainly of dead cells. Scrub exfoliates the skin, stimulating the formation of new healthy cells. It is these cells make the skin soft and smooth with a smooth and beautiful color.
But some "grain" does not go far and any scrub softens the need. It protects the skin from scratching and anti-inflammatory effect. Scrub often can not be used, otherwise you risk damaging the natural protective layer of skin.
So, you know what a scrub and gathered in the bath. Now it's time you select it based on what your skin type.
1) For dry skin, we recommend a soft and gentle scrub. It can not be used more than once every 10-12 days.
2) For oily skin, you can choose scrub with coarse particles. It is possible to use every 3-5 days.
3) For normal skin, choose any, but not a very rough scrub. Use it every 1-2 weeks.
4) Buy scrub with synthetic particles, if you have sensitive skin. Once the application a week is enough.
5) In case of irritation and abrasions do not use scrub at all, or bypass the damaged areas.
Using a scrub in the bath.
After all bath treatment your skin becomes steamed, pores are opened and so the use of a scrub in the bath so effectively. It does not make wait for the results. We have two scrub for the face and body:
1) Facial Scrub in the bath should be applied to wet skin. A few minutes gradually, without pressure massage your entire face. Should start from the forehead, moving to the temples. Next, from the chin to the cheeks. Circles around the eyes, leave intact, there is no need of skin scrubs. When you are done, rinse all the face with warm water and apply moisturizer.
2) Scrub the body should be applied as well to damp skin. When you rub it, pay attention to such areas as elbows and knees, buttocks, back, heel and others where skin needs special cleansing and balancing. After the procedure rinse with warm water and scrub protection body moisturizing milk.