To many years without serious health problems, you should pay careful attention to nutrition. Confectionery, soft drinks and dishes prepared using a large amount of fat, a negative impact not only on our well-being, but also on the psychological state. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, give a feeling of cheerfulness. The fact that many useful substances are involved in the development of adrenaline, so necessary for all of us to remain cheerful and active.
One of the essential vitamins wellness - vitamin C. Most of it is found in red peppers, cauliflower and black currants. Daily eats a handful of these berries can withstand stress and to think logically. Still, this vitamin is essential for the absorption of other nutrients, such as vitamin A, which plays an important role in metabolism and promotes strong immunity. For products, the most rich in vitamin A include carrots, spinach, squash, beans, peaches and apricots.
By the way, legumes also contain other elements necessary for good health - vitamins B. They are responsible in particular for the work of the musculoskeletal system, help in the regulation of cerebral circulation and stimulate the production of hormones. Also, these are essential for the health substances found in animal products - beef, veal, poultry and offal.
If you are a vegetarian, you run the risk of under-collection a number of useful substances, the contents of which are higher in animal products. Although not a fact. Enrich the diet of grains, nuts, seeds, they contain a sufficient amount of thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid, which is synthesized from vitamin B5. Do not ignore milk and milk drinks. They also have a lot of vitamins of group B.
Not to be unfounded, we give a rough menu for one day, which is not only a real vitamin cocktail for our tired body, but also has a low-calorie. For breakfast cook oatmeal with yogurt or yogurt. They should not be overly sweeten, as the matter is combined with sugar cereals. It is better to add a handful of wild berries or sliced banana into pieces - one of the most important suppliers of potassium. Lunch may consist of a crisp rye breads and any hard cheese. Layer between them can be fresh lettuce and ripe tomato. For lunch, we recommend to prepare a salad of vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and spinach. If it happens in the winter - vitamin salad of carrot and black radish. Fill it with olive oil and lemon juice.
At first you can prepare the cream of pumpkin soup, the second - veal chops, braised in a sauce with buckwheat or steamed vegetables. Dinner is best milk drinks: you can eat 100-150 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream or a good slice of your favorite cheese. During the day snacks are allowed any fresh fruit, except too sweet, such as grapes.
Similarly, you can create a menu for the week. If you eat enough foods rich in vitamins and trace elements, can be maintained and health and good spirits for many years.