Products that preserve youthfulness

Products that preserve youthfulness
 Youth - as we would like to keep it, "preserve" the beauty, feel great at any age. Not always have the time and resources to consult specialists and costly procedures, and want to constantly look decent. Pay attention to your diet: youth and beauty are more dependent on the products used in food than from external factors.

Beautiful appearance and excellent state of health will give you:

- Orange - contains large amounts of vitamin C, helps increase the activity, prolongation of youth, "first aid" when vitamin deficiency;

-vinograd: contains a complex of mineral substances, remains young, has a tonic effect;

- Cherry: useful in anemia, strengthens the cardiovascular system;

- Garnet - increases hemoglobin is very useful for exhaustion, vitamin deficiency;

- Grapefruit - contributes to the preservation of youth and beauty, often include this fruit in their menu, especially if you want postroynet;

- Melon - has a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system, which has a positive effect on your beauty;

- Cabbage, and broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower - sources of vitamin B complex and minerals promote longevity and preservation of youth;

- Unpolished grains - contain large amounts of fiber, are a necessary element of power, preserving youth and beauty;

- Lemon - a source of vitamin C, promotes healing of the body at the cellular level, protects against premature aging, improves the immune system;

- Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) - contains vitamin E, one of the most important components of women's health;

- Honey - a source of trace elements that are useful for preserving youth and attractiveness, normalizes the cardiovascular system, improves the immune system;

- Seafood - contains iodine, improve metabolism, useful in case of problems with being overweight;

- Nuts - contain vitamins and biologically active substances that strengthen the nervous system, improve immunity, promote the preservation of youth;

- Wheat germ - rejuvenate the body, normalize the function of internal organs, metabolism;

- Fish - due to the content of phosphorus and calcium, keeps you young, boosts immunity.

This is not an exhaustive list of relevant products for the body, prevent aging and useful for your beauty. Include in your diet fruits and vegetables, eat fresh greens, do not forget about dairy products - keep their youth and health.

Tags: beauty product, youth, conservation