Cosmetics for combination skin

Cosmetics for combination skin
 Combination skin - is one that is both bold and normal, and it happens that even dry. How can this be? Very simple: the fact that in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) sebaceous glands always work harder, so some women skin oily at this point. But the rest of the face (cheeks, eyelids and neck) can easily be perfectly normal and does not shine from excess shine, but on the contrary, suffer from dryness. What to do?

If the skin is combined, and then take care of it must be combined: separately - for oily areas, separately - for dry or normal. There are, of course, special creams and masks are designed specifically for combination skin, but to treat them to be very careful. Whatever may be the universal mask or emulsion, remember that for oily and normal skin at the same time can not in principle to approach any cream. So it is best to divide the care of each zone and buy your vehicle.

For oily skin T-zone should be used daily cleansers, tightens pores. This special gels and foams for washing, regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as tools, exfoliating dead rubber sheet epidermis and helps to combat inflammation. In the morning you can wash cleanser for oily or combination skin, making it the segmental to retain moisture areas with normal skin. Cleansing foams and gels designed for combination skin - perhaps the only thing that can be successfully used for the entire face. Only need to wash in cold water, hot water increases the activity of the sebaceous glands. Cleansed skin should be treated with tonic.

Now there are a lot of creams specifically designed for oily and problem skin. They moisturize and nourish your skin throughout the day, regulating the production of sebum, matting the skin and do not give it too shiny. Apply the cream for oily skin on the T-zone area, avoiding contact with the areas where it is normal or dry. During the day, if necessary, the T-zone area can be matted using powder or remove excess fat special antibacterial wipes.

Now about the areas of your face that are in need of hydration and nutrition. Cheeks, the skin around the eyes and neck area - areas with normal or dry skin. After a morning of their purification can be easily smeared with a special cream (nourishing moisturizer or, depending on the situation). Powder in these areas should not be carried away, but if you use it, be careful not to dry up the skin. Day to refresh the face, perfect spray with thermal water.

Evening care for combination skin and is cleansing tonic and subsequent use and application of nourishing cream. Cream, of course, you need a different: on the T-zone - for oily skin on the rest of the face - nourishing for normal or dry. Once a week, your combination skin necessarily be deeply cleaned with a scrub or peel. Do not forget about the special tightening mask for oily area.

Tags: skin, face care, cosmetics