10 myths about cosmetics

 Myths about the "correct" application and the miraculous properties of various cosmetic products exist for different reasons. Some were from the Soviet era, while others arose mainly through advertising, imposed by their manufacturers. We have tried to figure out how much some of these myths are true.

Myths about the "correct" application and the miraculous properties of various cosmetic products exist for different reasons. Some were from the Soviet era, while others arose mainly through advertising, imposed by their manufacturers. We have tried to figure out how much some of these myths are true.

Myth 1: Cosmetics can turn back the clock.

"Reduce wrinkles by 35%?" Such a miracle elixir bottles simply does not exist. With age, the bones of the face are sealed, the amount of subcutaneous fat is reduced, and the skin of the face droops and wrinkled. Simple rubbing cream is not able to influence these processes. Moreover, according to the rules of the World Health Organization, cosmetics may not contain drugs, although just they and may to some extent modify the skin structure. What can make cosmetics: temporarily give skin elasticity and tighten it, and moisturize. To regain youth, it is necessary to resort to cosmetic or surgical procedures or medical treatment.

Myth 2: You need to use only years of proven and familiar tools.

Changes with time, not only the contours of the figure, but also the structure and tone of skin. And what worked for many years, may simply stop working. Furthermore, the skin gets used to simply the same ingredients, while it may lack entirely different substances. Not to mention the fact that the technology of cosmetic industries are constantly being improved and every year there are all the best for the skin. Do not be afraid to experiment!

Myth 3: To look good after 35 years, it is necessary to use foundation.

It would seem that foundation is designed to hide wrinkles and bumps. In fact, most women only old foundation. He hammered into fine lines and pores of the skin, even more deepens large wrinkles and nasolabial folds, as if the same or improper tone, he makes a face like a mask. Simple powder and cream powder gives a much better effect, and best of all - constantly monitor the condition of the skin and to treat it from a young age.

Myth 4: With age, you'll look like your mother.

It is believed that the skin of a woman's face will age on the same basis and have the same problems as her mother. Of course, genetics plays a significant role in your appearance, the size of the pores of the skin to its structure and color. But in the age-related changes are not only genes, almost the same role played by life habits and facials. Most of all, the facial skin is exposed to sunlight, not a lesser role played by the use of alcohol, smoking, stress, lack of sleep and even food cravings. These factors may add new wrinkles in the most unexpected places, contribute to pimples, change the texture of the skin and promote the appearance of pigment spots.

Myth 5: If your skin is hypersensitive to any cosmetic stuff, forget about it once and for all.

The fact that you have a response to one of the useful components in a cosmetic composition, does not mean that it will respond to the same other cosmetic formula. Many very effective substances, for example, retinol, salicylic acid or fruit acids may irritate the skin. If you are going to use a cream containing one of these substances, start slowly to give your skin time to get used to it. Apply the cream in small quantities and within a day or two. If after two weeks you have zamechete irritation, try another cream with the same ingredient. You may find that a different chemical composition, this ingredient will not irritate the skin.

Myth 6: Acne on adult skin has nothing to do with adolescent acne.

Your pimples may not be similar to those that were in your teens, but it is, nevertheless, all the same youthful acne. They appear due to natural hormonal fluctuations age (decrease estrogen / androgen increase), as well as stress and bad ecology. To get rid of adult acne need comprehensive treatment, using gentle but effective cosmetic products, such as salicylic acid, peroxide, benzene and sulfur.

Myth 7: The most effective treatment for acne - "point" treatment.

Unagi need a few weeks to form under the skin. So while you "point" treat the pimple, which shows you neglect those that come out in the near future. Estheticians agree: for the treatment of individual acne, as well as for acne, requires complex treatment, in order to stop the rash before they appeared on the surface of the skin.

Myth 8: Index SPF sun on the media talking about how well your skin will be protected.

There are two types of solar radiation: UVA, which is responsible for skin aging, and UVB, which is responsible for tanning and sunburn. The index of SPF on the bottle of sunscreen refers only to UVB radiation. Therefore, in most cases, it remains unknown whether the agent protects against UVA radiation (responsible way, and for the occurrence of melanoma!) In order to protect themselves from the sun completely, look for products that contain ingredients as blocking UVA radiation, eg zinc or avobenzone (Parsol 1789).

Myth 9: You need to apply moisturizer and sunscreen at the same time.

In fact, apply two types of cream in a row - unnecessarily. Sunscreens already contain wetting agents. Therefore, if you have normal or oily skin, you can only use sunscreen or lotion for the face. If you think that your skin is too dry, apply a moisturizer first, let it soak and then apply sunscreen. Use sunscreen every day: the sun in the sky is always there, even on a cloudy or rainy day.

Myth 10: wetting agents must be used consistently.

In fact, if your skin is hydrated enough, and you do not feel excessive tightness or dryness, you can not use moisturizer. There is no evidence that if you do not use it, moisturizers, the skin will age faster or wrinkles appear. The best way to moisturize the skin - this is to moisturize from the inside, not outside. To do this, you must drink the recommended daily amount of liquid. If you are okay with the kidneys, it is always better to drink more water than less. Moisturizing creams can only help maintain the moisture level of the skin, which it already has.

Tags: cosmetics, myth