Aging and decay characteristic of all living things, and the human individual is no exception. The desire to look young and fresh is absolutely inherent in all women. Among the non-surgical means, aimed both at addressing the signs of aging, and the prevention of their occurrence, the deserved attention uses sculptural facial massage.
Numerous methods of its implementation, including the unique author, based on years of experience, intended primarily to carry out impact on the muscles of the face, décolleté and neck. As the name implies massage performed his master, like sculptors, reshaping, carefully removing the signs of aging.
Sculptural facial massage is able to give skin elasticity, normalize metabolic processes in the circulation and movement of lymph. In addition to effects on the skin and the subcutaneous layer of fat, this type of massage involves intensive deep muscle: when the massage is used a lot of pressure (up to two to three kilograms per square centimeter of skin).
The procedure usually begins with decollete followed up promotion - to the highest point of the forehead. The process is then repeated, but in the opposite direction and ends in the same place where it started. Masters of sculptural massage enough to know the basic principles of its implementation, the key must be removed study the anatomical features of the structure of the face.
Sculptural massage techniques are well affect the state of the oval face, skin turgor, to hide the puffiness and bags under the eyes. Significant improvement of skin visible already after the first session, and to secure a sustainable effect sufficient rate of 10-12 procedures.