Source of healing oil is a shrub with narrow leaves and blue flowers, which grows mainly on the Mediterranean coast. Depending on where the growth and chemical composition of the essential oils are divided into chemotypes. If you know what properties a particular chemotype, you can choose exactlyrosemary essential oilThat best help to cope with your problem.
For example, if a bush grew hot Spain, the oil refers to borneolnomu camphor-type, and is the best to use for the treatment of pain and muscle spasms, as well as a stimulant.
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If the plant is "lived" in a sunny Tunisia, it is most likely refers to tsineolnomu type. This oil is suitable for the treatment of upper respiratory tract, treatment and improvement of the kidneys and liver. If you are going touse the essential oil of rosemary for cosmetic purposes, then you need to pay attention to verbenonnny chemotype, who arrived from France.
The use of essential oil of rosemary
For therapeutic purposes,. Rosemary essential oil helps with joint and muscle pain, hypotension, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and vascular weakness. Also strengthens the immune system, improves hearing and smell, stop inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, has a positive effect in edema, neurotic states, insomnia.
For cosmetic purposes - To care for problem skin, treatment of acne and rosacea. This is one of the most effective means to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, so it is used for healing scars and getting rid of age spots. For dry skin, the best fit rosemary essential oil verbenone type. It will give tone and healthy look withered skin, improve complexion. Rosemary is also an excellent tool for the treatment of hair, in particular, it prevents hair loss and dandruff.
In perfumery. Rosemary essential oil imparts a woody fragrance, according bitter, warm notes. This warm, exciting scent is an aphrodisiac.
Along with thisrosemary essential oil may in some way help you achieve success in their careers. If you are a responsible employee or manager, you constantly have to communicate with people, whether you like it or not. Such communication, if it lasts throughout the day, can cause irritation, aggression and even anger on others.Rosemary essential oil excellent means to calm down and even feel some peace.
If you have to memorize a large number of numbers, dates, names, for example, you simply secretary or student, it is an amazing tool will greatly facilitate the process of concentration and memory, helps to concentrate and not let distracted attention.
Even if you are just an ordinary worker, and you constantly tormented by a sense of self-doubt, you are shy, awkward and often do not find the strength to make the right decision,rosemary essential oil and will help you.
Do not hurt to carry a bit of money if you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and constantly visit a fitness club or gym.Rosemary essential oil showed excellent results in the treatment of sports injuries, muscle fatigue assistance.
At the same ones who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitorrosemary essential oil must be always at hand - it will help relieve stress, restore visual acuity at the end of the working day.
Indispensable and essential oil for women. Firstly, it is considered one of the most effective tools in the fight against cellulite. Secondly, its use is recommended for irregular menstruation. A young mothers rosemary help in case of problems with lactation.
MethodsThe use of essential oils of rosemary quite diverse. You can use it for taking a relaxing bath by adding warm water at the rate of 3-5 drops per bath. For massage to mix oil with 5 drops of 10 g of the base oil. This procedure will help with joint and muscle pain.
Skin lesions (burns, abrasions, minor inflammation) well help compresses. To do this, drip 5-7 drops of rosemary essential oil in a bowl with hot water. Causing the oil on your skin, you may feel a burning sensation or other similar sensations. This is quite normal and means that the tool works.
For inhalation for colds, coughs, asthma phenomena just mix 3-5 drops of oil with hot water. To improve the properties of wrinkle creams, shampoos, ointments and lotions for oily skin 3 drops of oil are added to 5 g of the base.
Touse of the healing properties of rosemary oil out well aromamedalon purchase. If you kapnet it 2-3 drops of oil, and will periodically inhaling his scent, it will help you in your work.
To relax after work and clarification of consciousness is best used in incenses rosemary, add the oil at the rate of 3-5 drops per 15 m2.
As with any therapeutic agent inrosemary essential oil there are limitations in the application. So, you should not use it during pregnancy, especially during the initial terms, hypertension, epilepsy and seizures. Do not apply concentrated butter on the skin, especially if you do it is very dry and sensitive.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady