We recommend using bleach and exfoliating agents. At home in the morning and evening skin can be cleaned with lemon juice, cranberry juice, grapefruit, red currant, sour cabbage, cucumber, parsley. You could also try the following compositions:
1. Juice of 1 lemon combine with beaten egg whites.
2. 1 tbsp. l. vinegar mixed with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
After applying the infusion lubricates the skin on the face with a fat cream.
2 h. L. finely chopped fresh herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, then strain. Keep infusion in the refrigerator for more than a week. Unstrained infusion can be frozen in cubes and rub their skin twice a day, morning and evening.
Spring birch sap pigmented moisturize skin without wiping, 4-5 times a day, daily.
Recommendations for treatment of this disease is best to get in cosmetic clinics. JustLady.ru can advise not to forget about proper nutrition. Should be excluded from the diet, sharp, sweet and fatty foods.
At home, use the following means:
Aloe vera (juice)
Juice moistened gauze of 10 layers. Squeeze them and put on acne for 30-40 minutes. Procedures first day, then every day later 2 times per week. Rate - about 30 treatments.
Brewer's yeast
Take 1-2 hours. L. before a meal or during a meal.
Calendula (flowers)
1 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 2 cups of boiled water, 1 hour, drain, add 2 tbsp. l. cologne or water. Wipe face in the morning and evening.
Viburnum opulus (fruit juice)
Cloth moistened with juice, a little depressed, put on the face every 10 minutes 2-3 times in a row. Then, a nourishing cream. Initially procedures daily (7-10 times), then so much iron in a day.
Raspberry ordinary (sheet)
The infusion is prepared from 1 part of raw materials and 15-20 parts water. Napkins applied 3 times in 10 minutes. Course - 20-25 procedures (10-12 carried out daily, others every other day).
Cucumber peel, eaten without salt, a positive effect on the body's metabolism and therefore has a therapeutic effect on the skin, acne and acne-prone.
Collection of medicinal
From a mixture of plants, bark and buds of birch, chamomile flowers and marigold, juniper berries, taken in equal amounts. 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of sugar and 1 cup water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes. In a warm solution to moisten linen cloth or cheesecloth, folded in 4 layers, making pre-slit for the eyes and nostrils. And put a cloth on your face. As the cooling again, moisten the cloth with broth and gently squeeze. Duration of procedure - 20 minutes. A very effective remedy for acne, you forget that you had
problem skin.
Salvia officinalis (herb)
Infusion is used as a lotion (1 ch. L. Sage brewed cup of boiling water, then keep on low heat for 3-5 minutes), is used in the form of heat.
If swelling of the face is not associated with any disease of the internal organs, it can help to eliminate this disadvantage mask.
1 raw potato grate, lightly squeeze. Put on the face in March-left swipe at them - cooked pulp slightly moistened with juice.
Parsley (root)
Roots, minced or grated.
From tea
Broken tea drained, leaving a thick, put it on your face as a mask and potato.
When the bags under the eyes well help daily rubbing ice cubes out of the water or milk, contrasting lotions: teplye- of milk, half-diluted with water, and holodnye- of infusion of sage (1 ch. l. Pour 1/2 cup of strong boiling water for 2-3 hours, strain ). Start with a warm procedures, complete cold. Only 5 alternations.
Perhaps the most unpleasant companions
problem skin. Warts can be deduced as follows:
Onion (juice)
Juice mixed with honey or equally used slurry from the bow. Impose weight on warts, cover compress paper and pribintovyvayut at night. The skin around the behind-the-tect zinc ointment or Vaseline. Procedures daily.
Garlic seed (fruit)
Grated garlic mixed with a drop of honey. Apply a thick layer over the wart and fix the plaster on the night (every day).
Celandine (juice)
Warts juice lubricated 2 times per day - over three times for 2-3 minutes. Course - 2-3 weeks.
Be beautiful, and letproblem skin will no longer be a problem for you!
Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady