Several times a week, clean peeling shoulders. Apply scrub massage movements on the shoulders and leave for a few minutes, then rinse under running water. Dilute blue clay until thick consistency, apply to problem areas, but rather to the whole body and hold for 20 minutes.
After the cleaning procedures wipe shoulders tonic or lotion. If acne is very much inflamed and they then use plastic lemon. When nothing like this at hand, it will save the rubbing alcohol. Dilute it to 20% and wipe shoulders.
Sea salt has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Grind a little salt in a coffee grinder and use it as a body scrub. The result came faster hard sponge or wash sponge anti-cellulite.
Use only a light moisturizing body lotion or even do without it. If you have a feeling of tightness of the skin, then maybe you can help the body rinse decoction of calendula and chamomile.
Drink a course of any vitamin preparation that is rich in magnesium and zinc. In some cases, pimples appear at the lack of necessary substances, because of their products assimilated very little. If the problem is not solved, go to a dermatologist, you may need more serious treatment.