In category Beauty: Makeup clinique
The main stage of skin care - cleansing. Clogged pores are not contaminated and nourish the deeper layers of the skin with oxygen, nutrients and trace elements that are contained in the composition of cosmetics for skin care.
Dirt, dust, sebum not give absorb into the skin, even the most active components of expensive creams, masks, lotions that you use. All efforts are in vain, the skin does not breathe.
Pre-procedure to nourish and moisturize the skin should clear it.
Purification help rid dead skin cells, keratinized particles and sebum, in which, besides the usual dust and dirt contained harmful toxins coming from the atmosphere.
Especially hard for women living in cities. Here, this "good" flies in the air more than in other regions. Toxins deposited on the skin, and poison the whole body. Therefore, the cleansing of the skin can be considered not only a cosmetic procedure.
What to do? How to clean the skin?
You can clean the skin by hand. But today, the most popular was the new ultrasonic method. This procedure has no contraindications and ensures complete cleansing of pores to the depths.
But without manual cleaning can not do if you want to get rid of milia or Corn Buntings and Wen. These blemishes occur mainly during the dry skin and narrow pores. Here difficult sebum, and in a different number of images talc.
In addition, leads to the emergence of Corn Buntings wrong skin care using cosmetics that clog the pores.
Whitehead pierced with a needle by hand, because getting rid of them is impossible by sonication.
Deep cleansing is important because with incomplete cleansing pores can be an inflammatory process that leads to the appearance of ulcers.
On this basis, it should be noted that the manual cleaning risk of inflammation, acne, infection at the skin further increases.
When hardware methods ultrasonic wave sterilizes the surface of the skin and ensures complete purification for a long time, thereby reducing the risk of acne.
Scraping mechanically very tight on the nature of the pores, the skin can stretch and expand the pores.
Ultrasound relaxes the skin, while all of the dirt contained in the pores, easily reaches the surface and expands pores.
Ultrasonic cleaning gradually reduces pores. This is one of the qualities of cleaning hardware that allows resort to cleanse the skin as often as required.
For different skin types differently appointed by the frequency of cleaning procedures of the skin. For example, for oily skin cleansing requires one month, for other types of skin - once every three months. Later, for the prevention, treatment requires cleansing 2-4 times a year.
Of what is ultrasonic cleaning?
The whole procedure is divided into 3 stages:
deep cleaning;
hydration or sedation.
Peeling cleanses the skin from dead cells. By means of the blade vibrating ultrasound.
Before the procedure, the skin steamed and applied special cosmetics, its for every skin type.
Within 20 minutes peeling a palpable vibrations and heat, sometimes - a slight tingling.
For dry skin, deep cleaning procedure can be skipped. After peeling the skin moisturizing mask is applied, the device holds the dermis active substances contained in it.
Peeling - very mild procedure, which may hold and summer.
For problem and oily skin needs and required cleaning stage. To do this, the unit is transferred to another mode. Feeling at this stage may be more painful than when peeling.
Cleaning result depends on the skills and experience of a cosmetologist, and the properties of the ultrasonic device. But no cleaning will not help without a permanent skin care at home.
To maintain a healthy skin should abandon feather and feather pillows. They accumulate dirt, dust, and sometimes infest mites. These parasites can harm the skin, so it is better and more hygienic to use sinteponovye pillows.
You need to clean the skin daily, morning and evening. In the morning on the surface of the skin is most contained toxins. They should not wash off hands, and a sponge or cotton pad. For oily skin - gel or facial wash, dry - milky lotion. After washing, wipe the face tonic designed for your skin type.
The final step is to apply the cream. Cream for oily skin should contain anti-aging acid - salicylic, lactic or glycolic. For inflamed skin suit cream with zinc oxide. If you have dry skin needs a cream with giluaronovoy acid, which is very well moisturizes the skin.
Useful for preliminary protection of the skin from dirt and oil extracts: shea butter, shea butter, macadamia. Essential oil perfumed with strong flavors will match here. They can cause allergies and irritation. Have kamedogennym action and are contraindicated in skin problems.
For oily skin, you can not use alcohol-based lotions, it is better to use an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. He has an antibacterial effect and does not dry the skin. They wipe the face after cleansing, as wash this day is impossible.
In some salons do only the first stage of the procedure - peeling. The result is not deep and superficial. Past this "cleansing" of the client remain disappointed.
In the cream is very important concentration of active substances. Too large number of them may desiccate the skin, too small will have no effect. Therefore, over the choice of the cream is better consult with your beautician.
Fulfilling all of these treatments for skin permanently, you can always be young, beautiful and have a healthy skin.
Author: Alexander Yadryshnikova