Cleansing facials

 Our skin needs quality cleansing and conventional washing is not enough. Regular deep cleansing helps to remove dead skin cells, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the skin. This in turn helps to improve the complexion, to prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, etc. An effective way to cleanse the skin - cleansing facials. They not only cleanse the skin, but also depending on the composition of the mask, moisturize, nourish the skin, or dried.  

Present to you the best recipes of cleansing facial masks.

Cleansing Mask for oily skin

For the preparation of this mask is necessary to take a piece of rye bread, fill it with very hot water and let it soften. When you receive a mush of bread and water, it is necessary to pour the water, the resulting slurry used to wash instead of soap.

Cleansing Mask for toning

Protein of an egg whisk with a spoon of sugar. Smear on the face mask. Wash off the mask with warm water in fifteen minutes.

Cleansing facial mask with oatmeal and tomato

Tablespoon of flour, cooked oatmeal stir in the juice of a ripe tomato or lemon juice. You can also add a little milk, it will help make the mixture smooth. Apply on face for half an hour to dry completely mask.

Cleansing facial mask made of cottage cheese and sour cream

To mask will need one teaspoon of curd, two teaspoons of sour cream and a little salt. Mix all ingredients and spread obtain a homogeneous composition, face and neck. Wash the mask 20 minutes cold milk via a cotton swab. This mask cleanses and nourishes the skin, suitable for dry skin.

Cleansing egg facial mask

Beat well the egg. Add to it 5-6 drops of lemon juice and olive oil or conventional vegetable oil (1 tsp) to make a mask and twenty minutes rinse with warm water.

Cleansing facial mask made of tomatoes

Tomato cut into large circles and rub them into the skin. Wipe off the mask with a paper towel and wash with cold water. This simple mask cleans and nourishes the skin.

Cleansing facial mask made of protein and mint

Protein mix one egg with a spoon oatmeal. Add to the resulting mixture a little finely chopped mint. Make a mask and leave until it dries. Wash off the mask with water, wipe the face mask after lotion.

Cleansing facial mask of cucumber

Cucumber peel and finely grate. Add one beaten egg white and mix with cucumber. Of this composition make a face mask. Wash the mask after 10 minutes with water. Mask cleanses and tones the skin on the face.

Cleansing facial mask with yeast

For this mask is necessary to take a teaspoon of cranberry juice or lemon juice and 20 g of yeast. Make yeast mask and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with water, then it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream. The skin on the face may be red, this is due to increased metabolic processes.

Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sugar mask yeast protein