At present, there are several main types of exfoliation: mechanical, laser, vacuum and chemical. They all differ in their type and the method of exposure to skin. At home, you can use only one kind - mechanical, others are offered only in beauty salons and medical institutions experienced.
Mechanical peeling is a cosmetic agent, containing a natural or artificial abrasive. This can be sand particles, nuts, mud, wax or ground apricot pits. The people of these cosmetics are called scrub. The abrasive particles in contact with your skin promote effective cleansing from dead and stubborn dirt particles, since they prevent renewal and skin breath.
The stores have a fairly large selection of scrubs for household cleansing. When choosing a cosmetic peeling depends on the type and age of your skin. It is important to know that you can use abrasive cleaners only if your skin is healthy, that is, without acne and damage. Otherwise there is a risk to bring an infection or get irritated.
Instead of buying a means to cleanse the skin in the stores, much more interesting to make them yourself at home. Thus, you will have full confidence in the absolute naturalness of the tool. To make it, take a handful of oat bran and grind, add a little water to get the consistency of mush. The resulting composition can be easily applied to the pre-cleansed face massaging movements. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water mass. Perform this procedure every night for two weeks.
The easiest way to peeling at home - by using sugar. First of all take the baby soap, lather your hands to form a foam and apply it on the face, avoiding the eye area. Then pour in the palm of one teaspoon of sugar and lightly massage the skin within two minutes. Rinse off with warm water and all. This type of peel is not recommended for very dry skin.
The next type of peeling will not only get rid of dirt and keratinized particles, but also slightly whiten the skin. For this you need fresh cucumber to be peeled. Chop the pulp and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix one teaspoon fine sea salt with one tablespoon of oat flour, dilute the composition of cucumber juice, to get a creamy mass. Add to it a couple of drops of essential oil of rose. Apply scrub prepared to cleansed face and neck, gently massage for two minutes and leave for another ten minutes. After that, rinse with a mixture of warm water.
Peeling of soda wonderful cleanse oily skin and eliminate its luster. Lather face soap, take a small pinch of baking soda and gently rub it into the skin. After three minutes wash with cool water.
Mash a few berries fresh strawberries. For combination and oily skin, mix it with natural yoghurt. For normal to dry skin need to mix the strawberries with one tablespoon of olive oil. Use as a peel at home.