At the heart of its action is pulsed electric current with a low frequency and strength (in the range of 10-600 mA). With age, the cell is disrupted distribution of ions near the membrane is damaged the cell wall and into the tissues out a huge amount of negative particles - lipids, proteins, amino acids. Positive ions conversely accumulate within a damaged cell. The result - an accumulation of fluid (edema), cellulite, sagging skin, etc.
Pulse current restores cell membrane potential by opening ion channels in the cell and returning the lost particles. As a result, run all physiological processes that leads to tissue regeneration.
Pulsed current affects both the skin and muscle layer of the face, and blood and lymph vessels. It helps to restore normal operation of all types of cells, improve their nutrition, provides deep hydration of the epidermis.
After the first session of microcurrent therapy comes visible effect:
Restores natural "skeleton" of the face, consisting of elastin and collagen fibers in connection with the stimulation separate groups of cells - fibroblasts. They produce collagen and elastin, providing flexibility and elasticity of the skin.
Smooth fine wrinkles, not only on the face, but also in the neck and neck deep wrinkles are also reduced due to their content.
The skin becomes much lighter shade as the weak current pulse character is active in the melanocytes, reducing the production of melanin. This results in a bleaching of the skin.
Restores clarity facial lines, sagging skin disappears, erased swelling.
Stimulated by physiological processes in cells and their nutrition, thereby accelerating the regeneration of damaged skin (after operations, peels, dermabrasion, injuries). At the same time has a microwave therapy and analgesic effects.
Of course, the electrical nature of mikrovolonovoy therapy requires prior consultation with a beautician, as there are a number of diseases in which its use is contraindicated.