How to remove bags under the eyes

How to remove bags under the eyes
 Bags under the eyes - a problem that occurs in the morning, many women. The reason for the appearance of this disease can be as simple as lack of sleep, excessive fluid intake at night, as well as metabolic disorders in the body. If this problem is bothering you for a long time - it is a reason for referral to a specialist.  
 Bags under the eyes can be eliminated by using lotions and masks for a few minutes. Prepare an infusion of herbs. You can use any herbs that can and combine. For example, chamomile, rose, calendula, series, rowan, lime, rosemary, sage, and a simple green tea. Cotton pads in the lower infusion attach for 5 minutes to the eyes. The procedure will refresh the eyelid skin, eliminate bags under the eyes. After completion of toning lotions recommended in ordinary ice from mineral water. Prepare ice advance, deal with an ice cube face, not excluding the eyelids. Wipe the skin after the procedure is not desirable.

Many women helps to mask the next century. Brew Melis and mint. Can be used both fresh and dried herbs, most importantly, that she was not crushed. Once the grass soften (1-2 minutes), attach it forever. Regular procedure to tighten the skin age, eliminate bags under the eyes and brighten even the eyelid skin.

If the evening to take care of the eyes, then swelling beneath them in the morning will not be. Recommended mask of parsley root. Rub it on the very fine grater, mix with the leaves of the tea leaves of green tea. Apply gruel on forever, 5-10 minutes, remove with a cotton swab. You can swab into cold tea.

The second option evening eye masks: grate raw potatoes on a fine grater. Wrap in cheesecloth mush attach to the eyes. It is recommended to lie down with the mask to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water or broth chamomile. Potatoes and chamomile relieve swelling eyes, prevent its occurrence, as well as whiten skin of eyelids.

After the procedure, apply your favorite skin cream around the eyes and head rest. Women are encouraged to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. At night, restrict fluid intake, not to provoke swelling and bags under the eyes.

During the day appeared circles under the eyes can be eliminated by using a refreshing serum. Cook it easy. Birch buds or leaves pour boiling water in the evening. Infusion leave overnight. In the morning strain. Add as drops of essential oil of rose, ylang-ylang, lavender. Infusion can be drained into a mini bottle during the day to put your finger on the eyelids, and the massaging points over the eyes, eyebrows - circles disappear.

Tags: eyes, skin care