Home cleaning facials

Home cleaning facials
 Facial skin needs regular cleansing, as unfavorable factors, the dust and the heat effect on her condition. Pets cleansing mask, unlike other modern means, not only able to clean the skin, but also to make it beneficial effects: nutrition, hydration, rejuvenation. It suffices to apply the mask 1-2 times a week and your skin will be clean and fresh.
 Pets cleansing mask of oatmeal

Masks made on the basis of oatmeal, remarkably clean face. Depending on the ingredients added to the composition, they can be used for any type of skin. To cleanse combination and oily skin brew a tablespoon of oatmeal small amount of boiling water, chilled mush put on the face with a thick layer. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. You can add to the mix the egg white or a teaspoon of lemon juice (but only for oily skin).

In normal and dry skin brew oatmeal hot milk. Lukewarm mush apply for 15 minutes on the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes and lips. Good nutritional, cleansing and moisturizing mask has, if it add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, pulp sweet fruit (banana, persimmon, melon) or a small amount of butter. The proportions can be taken on the eye, it is important to get after mixing dough, which will be convenient to put on face.

Purifying Mask of potatoes

Take a medium-sized potatoes, wash and clean, rub on a small grater. Mix a tablespoon of grated potatoes with one egg white. Add a pinch of salt to the weight and one teaspoon of liquid honey. All mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture and apply on face. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cleansing mask of herbs

For each type of skin you want to pick some herbs. For example, for normal to dry skin are great decoctions of rose petals rose, chamomile, lime blossom and mint leaves. For combination and oily skin better use of yarrow, St. John's wort, mother and stepmother, horsetail, calendula and sage.

To prepare the herbal mask can be taken as one of the above plants and fees herbs taken in equal proportions. To get the best effect, pre-chop (in a coffee grinder or blender) or grind herbs so as to obtain a powder. Pour two tablespoons of powder-half cups of boiling water and cover tightly. Steep for 15 minutes, carefully pour the water, and the mixture of herbs put on the face while still warm and keep for 15-20 minutes.

Cleansing Mask for dry skin of the eggshell

For the preparation of such a mask, you will need to spend a bit of time. Boil an egg, dry shell and grind it in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. In the resulting powder, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and sour cream (can substitute milk or cream), should get a thick mixture. Apply the prepared mask on your face, leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. If the mask to add half a tablespoon of semolina, cleansing effect will be much better.

Tags: person, pets, condition, mask, cleansing