Wrinkles, pass by!

Wrinkles, pass by!
 They can appear on the face in the twenty, forcing possessor look much older than his years. If skin aging predictable, the main deceit of facial wrinkles - in their premature appearance. Genetic predisposition, bad habits and lack of care, the green light crow's feet and a lion's foreheads. Women's magazine JustLady versed in the mechanism of the appearance of facial wrinkles and share strategies to counter them.

What are wrinkles?

Unfortunately, despite the name,wrinkles not merely a professional disease of performing mimes. From their appearance is not insured or a lady, and take care of yourself and taking care of maintaining the beauty of the skin, we need to know about the risk factors that provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Experts callwrinkles dynamic - this explains the mechanisms and principles of their occurrence. In contrast to age-related wrinkles inevitably accompany maturation and skin aging, wrinkles can "decorate" and youthful face. Of course, the depth and severity of facial wrinkles are also linked to the current state of the collagen matrix tissue and the degree of hydration, but their appearance early cause very specific and well-known reasons.

Cosmetologists believe that forwrinkles responsible two main factors: heredity and lifestyle. Inherited and can be passed on a common skin condition, and the special structure of the facial muscles, and partying. And if a genetic predisposition is printing fatality - how can we seriously confront the nature? - That timely correction of habits can greatly facilitate the fight against mimic wrinkles.

Main allies of facial wrinkles:

- Smoking. Constantly pulling his lips into a tube and squinting from the smoke, cigarette lover popyhtet "provides" not only the dose of nicotine, but also at least two types offacial wrinkles - "Crow's feet" at the corners of the eyes and the "smoker's ring" around the mouth. In addition, oxygen deficiency and continuously nicotinism and resins degrade skin elasticity and its ability to regenerate.

- Frequent exposure to the sun without proper protection. Dangerous rays of ultraviolet spectrum, without being filtered by means of special funds-sanblok violate the moisture balance of the skin, dried it.Wrinkles around the eyes, Mouth, between the eyebrows not only produced more quickly, but also become more pronounced.

- Diet. Systematic exhaustion of the body and often repeated cycles of weight loss and set deprive the skin a chance for a normal self-regeneration. Dehydrated and defatted epidermis is extremely prone to the formation of wrinkles.

- Unnecessarily living person. Perhaps this factor may be called the most controversial, because mimicry is part of our personality. However, self-expression, alas, can go to the detriment of beauty.

How are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are divided into several types according to the place of education:
- Wrinkles around the eyes
- Wrinkles around the mouth
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows - "lion"
- Wrinkles on the forehead - "wrinkle thinker"
- Nasolabial wrinkles.

The mechanism of formation of all, without exception, the same facial wrinkles. Annoying folds of skin that become deeper with frightening bystrotoye - just the tip of the iceberg, a consequence of the profound changes in the thickness of the epidermis. Regularly recurring repetitive movements of facial muscles start the process of stretching the skin. After a while, if the nature of movements and their frequency does not change, reduce facial muscles lead to changes in cell shape, fibroblasts, which make up the dermis. In repose fibroblasts are elongated ovals. At constant load they come out of dormancy and stretching, begin to "put pressure" on the box underneath the collagen matrix that provides elasticity to the skin. The Matrix "comes out of himself," its ability to act as a skeleton skin under threat. Appear on the facewrinkles... Sometimes it seems that they are having just one day! But in fact, their "exit" was planned long ago, and it took some time before muscle tension led to the deformation of the collagen deposits.

How to get rid of facial wrinkles?

The natural aging process, in full swing starting after 20 years, exacerbating the appearancefacial wrinklesAnd its combination with the above negative factors leaves little chance of success. However, this does not mean you have to give up. Mimic wrinkles can and should fight - with the help of special tools. Partly their action coincides with the action methods that suspend the emergence of "ordinary" wrinkles, but generally wrinkles due to the nature of its appearance require special care.

Today, cosmetology offers many ways to get rid of facial wrinkles - for every taste and budget reserve of courage. Among them are invasive (botox injections paralizantov or Dysport, as well as substances, fillers, wrinkle fillers), surgical (operative facelift) and dermatological (laser skin resurfacing and peels medium and large depth) technique. Each woman decides independently, based on advice from a trusted doctor and their own conclusions and expectations.

Daily home care usinganti facial wrinklesMay not give such a quick and dramatic results as Botox or surgery, but an indispensable preventive means to get rid of facial wrinkles, zadeystvovav reserve forces of the body, and for a long time to maintain reasonably good picture of the face.

The best creams facial wrinkles

Muscle relaxants - a new generation of creams, action is directed at combatingmimic wrinkles. They help to relax the muscles of the face and, in fact, exercise effect similar to Botox or Dysport, only operate outside. The result, of course, less radical, but heavy and "pobochek" no.
Active component Cream of the muscle relaxant facial wrinkles Synthetic peptides are created in the laboratory on the basis of amino acids. This includes any substance as hexapeptide (argirelegin) and octapeptide, relaxing and smoothing facial muscles that provide local tissue lifting. In addition, muscle relaxants are available with an extract of pepper kava kava: a substance known for its tranquilizing properties, blocks the nerve impulses that cause muscles to contract. Creams with kava kava is not suitable for those who are prone to allergies or have sensitive skin - pepper often causes irritation.

Hyaluronic acid and its products also serve a great service to those who decided to emerge victorious from the war against mimic wrinkles. Restoring the balance of moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis, hyaluronic acid is good in itself, and in the company miorelaksiruyuschee peptides.

How to use the cream on facial wrinkles?

Experts recommend course application of creams, muscle relaxants, promising visible effect after 3-6 weeks of daily care. Upon reaching the result must go to support the use (1-2 times a week) and be sure to take a break every three months so as not to damage the process of lymphatic drainage and fat metabolism in tissues.Cream facial wrinkles should be applied directly to problem areas with a thin layer of light stroking movements. Muscle relaxants can not be combined with makeup on fruit acids - it annihilates action wonderful peptides. And, of course, refrain from the use of facial wrinkles cream during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the event of an allergic reaction.

The best age for the use of creams, allowing smoothwrinkles and prevent the emergence of new - 30-45 years.

Creams of facial wrinkles: choice JustLady

Botofit (Italy)
Muscle relaxant with an excellent reputation, a pleasant texture and hexapeptide

Wrinkles, pass by!

Vichy Myokine (France)
Cream facial wrinkles with peptide complexes Adenoksin

Wrinkles, pass by!

Lierac Exclusive (France)
's Skin Series with a valuable plant complex and hyaluronic acid: three creams and express stickers wrinkles

Wrinkles, pass by!

Arcadia Botox effect (Russia)
World-class domestic product: natural oils, hexapeptides and coenzyme Q10

Wrinkles, pass by!

Mirra Lux Cream muscle relaxant with bosvelievymi acids and sage (Russia)
Wheat proteins and acid frankincense trees - our answer to facial wrinkles

Wrinkles, pass by!

 Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: wrinkle