What to do with dark circles under the eyes?

 Dark circles under the eyes, often referred to simply as bruises - unpleasant phenomenon not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also because the reasons for it may be far rather offensive. Of course, first of all, you need to try to correct the cause. If the following still remain - it is worth trying to cope with this problem by using special cosmetics.

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Dark circles under the eyesOften referred to simply as bruises - a phenomenon not only unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, but also because the reasons for it may be far rather offensive. Of course, first of all, you need to try to correct the cause. If the following still remain - it is worth trying to cope with this problem by using special cosmetics.

The mechanism of the appearance of dark circles is simple: under the eyes is a huge number of small blood vessels. When, for one reason or another vascular tone decreases, blood in them begins to stagnate. Actually the reason for "bruises" becomes the accumulation of hemoglobin and stained its degradation products (biliverdin, bilirubin and iron). And because the skin in this area is extremely thin, translucent capillaries crowded, and the problem is instantly reflected on the face in the truest sense of the word.

The most common causes of such stagnation are:
- Superficial vessels, plus a very thin, light skin, barely concealed nuances of circulation. This is not a pathology, but rather anatomical predisposition to the problem, and a very early age.
- Fatigue, stress, lack of sleep.
- Sometimes the cause may be exposure to the sun: in the sensitive skin under the eyes appear pronounced pigmentation, which struggle in mind the sensitivity of the zone is quite problematic.
- Among the more serious causes include diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, adenoids, an inflammation of the sinuses, heart failure.

Solution: If all a matter of serious illness, starting, of course, it is necessary to eliminate it. But if the problem is rooted in the constitutional peculiarities of the organism, or excessive load, along with sleep and walks to help get rid of dark circles can salon treatment (lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy, etc.) And / or special cosmetic preparations. The main caveat: you can not use exfoliating agent. Firstly, in such a delicate area is unsafe. Secondly, they are able to lighten or remove only the upper layers of the skin and to remove dark shadows under the eyes are practically ineffective. After all, here it is necessary first of all to improve blood circulation.

When choosing makeup to solve this problem, you should pay attention to the pharmacy tools that can really improve the situation. What brands have in their arsenal such funds?


Mask to remove puffiness and lighten dark circles under the eyes

The use of masks in the formulation of the complex natural active ingredients and biotechnology Haloxyl helps to strengthen brittle vessels, activates the process of dissolution and removal of iron and bilirubin clarification - the main perpetrators of the appearance of "purple circles" under the eyes. Mask eliminates swelling of the lower eyelids, improving the drainage ability of tissues.


Eye Cream

Cream for skin around the eyes with vitamin E and Dead Sea minerals. Rich, except minerals and herbal components (exhaust oats, wheat germ, ginseng, witch hazel), the cream is designed not only to eliminate the signs of fatigue under the eyes, but also daily meals and toning the skin, as well as active in the fight against aging.


Isolift gel-cream for the eye contour

Means specially designed for the sensitive area around the eyes, is a comprehensive anti-aging agent that provides triple action: anti-wrinkle, bags and dark circles. The high concentration of retinol in combination with green tea reports gel-cream anti-edema effect and ability to protect the walls of blood vessels. The formula does not contain A.N.A., fragrances and parabens.


Diopticerne Teinte foundation of "dark circles"

Eye contour cream, specifically designed to address the "dark circles" caused by lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, tension, etc.
Venotoniki complex comprising the agent, improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and reduces congestion. In addition, the cream contains mineral pigments, neutralizing visually "bruising".
A skin care provides superior moisturizing and caring component means: palm oil, squeeze out the seeds and pericarp Guinean oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), native to - the west coast of Africa. Interestingly, this is the only solid vegetable oil, similar in composition to the animal fat; solidifies at temperatures below 30 ° C. The oil is rich in provitamin A and vitamin E.


Eye relaxing essence pads

A relaxing and pads for the eyes - a convenient express treatment for stress relief facial muscles, eliminate the signs of fatigue and reduce dark circles around the eyes. Active components and equipment (rose extract, Sophora japonica, ginseng, purslane, Turner, mulberry, green tea and ginkgo biloba, vitamin A) is reduced microcirculation, strengthen and tone the skin. The range of brands represented by several species of the tool.

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