Treatment for facial skin redness

Treatment for facial skin redness
 Gastrointestinal disease, spicy food, unfavorable environmental conditions, intense beauty treatments, stress, inappropriate cosmetics and other negative factors affect the skin, causing it to redness. This is caused by the excessive expansion of small vessels. Even a temporary slight reddening inconvenience. And if you do not take action, reddening skin can become permanent and more.

The main method of preventing redness on your face - try to avoid the expansion of blood vessels. If the skin is prone to redness face is necessary to: eliminate thermal cosmetic procedures on the face (steam bath, warm mask); avoid mechanical damage to the skin (Reinforced rubbing cream, use a scrub); avoid stressful situations; not coming for a long time in the cold, wind, sun, not to abuse alcohol and smoking.

Fast and effective way to treat redness of the face, is the rub aloe juice. Before using the nourishing cream, apply a few drops on the face of aloe. After 2 - 3 such procedures will be redness.

Excellent struggling with redness on the skin mask of yeast. Must be mixed with 20 grams of yeast milk until the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied for 30 minutes, then washed with water. For greater efficiency in the mask can add a few drops of orange oil, lemon or carrot.

If redness facial nerve caused by congestion or stress, it is necessary to take a soothing fees with grass motherwort or valerian, and the person applying cool compresses on the basis of chamomile.

The facial skin prone to redness, needs daily care. Better to wash with water temperature 32 - 34 degrees. Makeup withdraw funds without perfumes. Morning moisturize the skin cream protects against cold, wind and ultra-violet rays, evening apply a nourishing cream. It is advisable to use cosmetics that contain extracts of orange, green apple, chestnut, mimosa or green tea, they help to strengthen blood vessels.

For prevention need to eat right and refuse to acute and smoked foods, biscuits, chocolate, tomatoes, coffee, hot tea, beans and cheese. Need to eat foods rich in vitamins C, P and K.

Tags: skin, face, tool, mask, care, redness, treatment