Spider veins on the face: treatment methods

Spider veins on the face: treatment methods
 Reticulum dilated vessels on the skin called rosacea. Its appearance is not harmful to health, but is an indication of trouble vascular wall. Early access to a doctor will increase the chance to get rid of the problem.

Causes of rosacea can be different. Often thin walls of blood vessels are inherited, sometimes spider veins occur due to chronic overheating or skin diseases, invasive vascular tone.

Rosacea can be formed as a result of diseases of the stomach and liver, burns and frostbite. Loss of vascular tone of the skin contribute to bad habits and poor nutrition, which is dominated by sweet, spicy and fatty foods.

Vasodilatation may be due to intestinal dysbiosis, chronic constipation and other unpleasant factors. The most important thing - remove the cause of the underlying disease. Then you can start the treatment of rosacea.

Cheeks, chin and nose wings are the most frequent location of the vascular mesh on the face. Asterisks are red, purple and burgundy.
Depending on the extensiveness of the disease is divided into stages. If rosacea has just begun, it will help get rid of special ointments and cosmetics.

Advanced stage requires serious complex treatment with medication. Running Spider veins are treated surgically. In order to remove the microscopic vessels make cuts, which subsequently delayed absorbable suture. When appropriately qualified physician efficiency of such operations up to 90%.

Prevention and early stages of rosacea can be treated with folk remedies, it is well suited wiping the face with ice cubes, masks of herbs, various ointments and other content buckthorn berries.

You can use contrasting lotions using concoctions of herbs. To prepare the hot broth, it is necessary to take a tablespoon of rosemary and nettle, pour boiling water and boil a little. As the cold broth using flowers of sage and horse chestnut. They also pour boiling water and then cooled. The initial stages of rosacea are well treated contrasting lotions. Put bowls with hot and cold water, and alternately wetting them, put on your face. Repeat this procedure is necessary daily.

To choose their own method of treatment is not necessary. Only an experienced professional can properly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Tags: face, star, method, treatment, rosacea