Mask for oily skin, facial masks for acne

 For problem skin characterized by the presence of enlarged pores, pimples, redness, this skin is often scaly and has an unhealthy color. Problem skin can become a real problem, because a person can not hide pimples are not just cosmetic, but also a psychological problem. But do not despair, a women's magazine JustLady sure that proper care for problem skin will regain her health and beauty.

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The main objective of daily care for problem skin - Remove excess grease and dirt, because it is because of this are clogging pores and inflammation. The most problematic areas are the cheeks, nose and forehead.

Excellent clean the skinMask for oily skin with clay. Clay absorbs excess oil and helps to clean the pores on your face. No less useful mask of oatmeal. But before you doface mask for acne, The skin should be well cleaned. For this purpose it is necessary to wash and clean the skin with alcohol free lotion or tonic. Applied to problem skin any cosmetic product, it is necessary to smooth movements from the center of the face to the hair and neck. Face masks are typically applied at least 15 minutes and rinsed with room temperature water or warm water. If a person has a problem skin, beauticians recommend avoiding active exposure to sunlight, as it is not necessary to visit a solarium.

There are many popular recipes masks for oily skin.

Face mask for acne of blue clay

It should be done at least 2 times a week, it will help prevent the occurrence of acne and eliminate the existing ones. To make a mask out of clay is necessary to take a tablespoon of blue clay, a teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of alcohol tinctures of calendula and dilute it all boiled water to a thick cream. Mask should be carefully applied to the face so as to obtain a uniform layer, and leave it on your face for ten minutes, then rinse.

Face mask for acne oatmeal

 This mask cleans the skin and dries pimples and has anti-inflammatory effect.
To make the composition for the mask, it is necessary to take oatmeal and pound them to a state of flour, beaten egg white of one egg and mix it all together in a ratio of one protein per tablespoon of flour. Apply mask on clean face and rinse until the mask is dry. Thereafter, the mask can be washed away with water.

Honey face mask for acne

It is necessary to take a teaspoon of fresh honey and mix it with a tablespoon of potato juice or onion juice. The resulting mixture should be applied only on problem areas of the face - forehead, nose and chin. Mask should be kept on your face for about 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water can be. That the skin came back to normal, the mask should be done daily.

Mask for oily skin, facial masks for acne

Mask for oily skin of honey and aloe

 For this mask should be mixed two tablespoons of aloe juice, add one tablespoon of honey, 3-4 drops of iodine solution and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Composition mask smear qualitatively cleansed face and leave the mask on your face for at least 10 minutes. Rinse the mask best warm water.

 Mask for oily skin yeast

For this mask is necessary to mix a tablespoon of yeast with a tablespoon of starch and three tablespoons of low-fat yogurt. In the resulting mixture was necessary to add a teaspoon of lemon juice, two drops of thyme oil and the same - mint. The composition of the mask stir well to mix became homogeneous, the resulting spread of the mask on the face. On problem areas it is necessary to impose a thicker layer, and after 15 minutes, the mask can be washed away.

 Viktor Fyodorov
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: honey, lemon, mask, acne, yeast, clay, review, tincture, inflammation, calendula, flakes