How to treat under-eye circles

How to treat under-eye circles
 Dark circles under the eyes are fairly common cosmetic problem. The reasons for its occurrence myriad, ranging from violations of lymphatic and venous drainage and ending excessive pigmentation and internal diseases. In any case, this problem needs to be addressed.
 To improve the blood circulation around the eyes and reduce the blue, black, yellow, red, white and any other unnatural circles under the eyes, mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley. The resulting mask, apply to problem areas and keep for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
You could also try this option: Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel, cut into wedges round and hold on the eyes for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that the potatoes were not too hot, otherwise you run the risk of burns.

Popular and the following recipe. On a fine grater grate the cucumber, squeeze the juice and moistened cotton pads in it, put on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. This tool helps to relieve fatigue from his eyes, and refresh your skin really quickly remove dark circles under the eyes. The same effect you get if you put your eyes on a piece of cucumber.

An excellent tool in the fight against circles under the eyes is a cheese wrap. Take the gauze, put on her cottage cheese (about 1 teaspoon for each eye) and apply to eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

You can try to fight with circles under the eyes and with the help of green tea. Make a strong infusion, a little cool, soak cotton pads in it and attach them to the eyes for 3-5 minutes. This procedure may be performed twice a day.

In the treatment and prevention of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes are very good at helping exercises for the eyes. In addition, the exercises helps to strengthen muscles and improve vision.

Exercise №1. Strongly close your eyes for 5 seconds, then suddenly open, making them round and surprised. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise №2. Sit down, look up, down, left, right. Continue this process for 2-3 minutes.

Exercise №3. This exercise should be done on the street. Look into the distance for about 1 minute, then abruptly turn the view on any subject, located nearby, and also look for 1 minute and again into the distance. Continue for 5-7 minutes.

If you are not lazy, and will carry out exercises and make masks for the eyes, not only get rid of circles under the eyes, but forget about them forever.

Tags: eye, circle, dark