How to remove facial redness

How to remove facial redness
 If the facial skin is constantly red color, it may be due to allergies or skin diseases. Redness on the face can also occur from the low acidity of the stomach, frequent constipation, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, women's diseases, and even diseases of the nasopharynx.
 Often such a complexion is hereditary. Completely get rid of it is hardly possible, but a bit actually reduce redness.

Permanent red skin - is dilated blood vessels, which are very close to the skin surface. Therefore, do not provoke their expansion.

Discard the steam bath, solarium, massage and paraffin mask. Avoid extreme temperatures and prolonged exposure to wind, cold, sun. Nor should strongly rub face when using cosmetics. When excessive redness of the face is not recommended to wash frequently, instead you should wipe the skin lotion with soothing effect.

In nutrition, avoid hot and spicy foods, as well as much hot food. Hot and alcoholic drinks also cause vasodilation in the face. Watch out for the normal activities of his intestines.

Do not forget to put on your face and protective cream to powder it when you're going to come out. In winter, use creams that protect from frost and wind, and in summer - sunscreen with a high degree of protection.

Reduce red skin on the face can packs of tea brewing. To do this, clean the skin lotion, and then apply on face gauze soaked in cold brewing black tea.

Can try homemade lotion that need to wipe your face morning and evening to reduce its redness. To make it, take 2 teaspoons lime blossom and brew their cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. When cool, add the infusion of 1 teaspoon of honey.

In the fight against the red skin on the face will help cosmetics, improves blood circulation and improves skin tone, strengthen blood vessels. This special creams and serums new generation systems containing biologically active substances. But these funds are having a dramatic effect, need only be constantly red skin. If the face is red only after removing the foundation or mask, you only need to moisturize the skin well and use a cream, which is composed of mineral components.

Tags: skin, face care, redness