How to remove facial capillaries

How to remove facial capillaries
 Rosacea called persistent expansion of capillaries that show through the skin in the form of Veins and Stars. This condition may be a manifestation of vascular disease, and then need to consult a doctor flegmologa. If we are talking about cosmetic imperfections, you can try to get rid of him popular and pharmacy facilities.
 Healthy blood vessels expand and contract under the influence of temperature, physical activity, emotions, etc. If capillaries lost elasticity, and they are extended. Tackle general recovery of the circulatory system, to eliminate the cause of rosacea.
Increase the elasticity of blood vessels vitamins C, K, and R. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, currants, pickled cabbage, rhubarb; K - in all green vegetables, walnuts, fish oil, dairy products; P - in citrus fruits, raspberries, blackberries, currants, grapes, buckwheat, fennel, tomatoes, cabbage.

If you are concerned about rosacea, give up nicotine, alcohol, coffee, hot spices, which contribute to vasodilation. Include in the diet foods rich in vitamins. In winter and spring, when fresh fruits and vegetables is not enough, take vitamin supplements, such as Ascorutinum (C + P).

Do not abuse the sauna and steam baths. Steam baths for the face can also strengthen rosacea. Before going out into the cold, protect the skin protective creams. Their structure must not enter the water - at low temperatures, its particles freeze and sharp ice crystals wounded skin. It is better to use a mixture of oils: grapeseed, apricot or peach.

Discard the cosmetic products based on alcohol. In the evening, cleanses the skin infusion of herbs or mixtures thereof: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, flowers and leaves of raspberry and currant. Tablespoon of herbs to make a glass of boiling water in a thermos and let stand for 6 hours.

After washing, apply this lotion on the face soothing mask of raspberry, strawberry or melon with the addition of a teaspoon of cream and olive oil. Good constricts blood vessels mask of grated green tomatoes with cream or fresh cream. Winter and spring as the basis for the mask, you can use a banana or a persimmon. A very beneficial effect on the dilated capillaries has a mixture of egg yolk, honey and olive oil.

If these funds do not help, consult a doctor-cosmetologist. Occupational medicine offers several ways of dealing with rosacea:
- Electrocoagulation - thin metal needle is inserted into the diseased vessel and passed through the electric current to coagulate the vessel;
- Sclerotherapy - fine needle injected drug that causes agglutination of the vessel walls;
- Ozone - in the vessel is introduced a substance containing ozone to restore the elasticity of the vessel;
- Laser photocoagulation - the impact of a laser beam of yellow-green spectrum at a particular group of capillaries.

These procedures are quite painful, expensive and can leave marks on the skin. In addition, it requires at least 2-3 sessions to become noticeable result. Be careful when choosing a medical institution and physician treatment to be as effective as possible and with the least side effects.

Tags: face, capillary, rosacea