How to remove a tan from the face

How to remove a tan from the face
 Sunburn is now very much in fashion, but not all of it goes. Girls and women after a holiday in the southern sun, or a few sessions in the solarium discover that their swarthy face was not so appealing. But how to remove tan, few know.
 First of all, we should find out what your skin type. If the skin is thick and fat, then you are very lucky, because you can apply any mask, without worrying for her condition. If it is thin and dry, you have to be extremely careful. For this type of skin tan itself has a lot of stress. A removal of sunburn - a double burden. Therefore, in this case it is necessary to use more sparing agents.


Wipe your face with lemon juice and wash it off after 10 minutes with warm water. If you have dry skin is essential to apply a moisturizer.


Cucumber Lotion, made by hand or purchased at the store, well-whiten your skin. To cook it yourself, mix the juice of one fresh cucumber with 0, 5 liters of vodka and insist night in a dark place, then store in the refrigerator. Grind must face 2 times a day.


Lotion parsley also perfectly removes tan, freckles and dark spots. For the preparation you will need 3 tablespoons. chopped parsley and 0, 5 liters of vodka. The mixture should be insisted in a glass container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Store in the refrigerator need lotion. Use lotion 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of parsley not only save you from the sun, but also help to avoid it, if necessary. To prepare the vehicle, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley pour a glass of boiling water and wipe your face before going out.


Rowan juice mixed with the juice of parsley and lemon juice in equal proportions (2 tablespoons). And add this mixture to 40 ml of vodka. Wipe your face with this lineup before bedtime.


Mask of yogurt or sour cream perfectly remove the tan and the best means for dry and delicate skin. Put the mask on your face and rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

In addition to masks and lotions you can use soft scrubs, masks of white clay, which has an excellent whitening effect.

In addition to all the above, you can use special bleaching creams and masks sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores.

All procedures for whitening skin from the sun is best carried out according to certain rules:

- During the bleaching procedures protect your skin from the sun;
- Take into account the fact that the best time for such procedures - this evening;
- Remember that the course of getting rid of tan should last no more than 2-3 weeks;
- Intensely moisturizes and nourishes the skin during the course.

Tags: skin, face, tan, teeth whitening