How to make the shape of eyebrows

How to make the shape of eyebrows
 Eyebrows - framing and decorating the eyes, elegant feature that complements your overall appearance is a reflection of facial expressions, and emphasizes the makeup. Not all of nature are the happy owners of perfect eyebrows - so many women use different methods of correction would allow it to shape your eyebrows close to the ideal.

If your eyebrows are too thick on the nature and tend to be healing well and violation of natural forms - will help in the form of correction plucking. If you have a habit of plucking eyebrows, you can do this procedure on a regular basis at home by yourself. If there is no skill - visit any beauty salon, where specially trained wizard will help you make the right shape eyebrows.

Plucking eyebrows after a bath, so that the skin has been prepared. Powder eyebrow tweezers to not slide, and pull out the hairs along the line of their growth. After plucking do not forget to lubricate the skin around the eyebrows moisturizer to prevent irritation and redness.

To reduce pain, tension the skin during plucking, and clean hands, press down the skin in the places from which you pull out hairs.

Also, plucked eyebrows and the skin around them can be cleaned with ice.

If your eyebrows contrary no different density, and would you like to make them brighter and more noticeable, you will be cosmetic. Paint on eyebrows cosmetic pencil natural and suitable shade, then shade the line to make it seem more natural. If you think that the eyebrows are too short - Doris their length on the outside or the inside, without disturbing the natural hairline.

A more radical method of dealing with rare and light eyebrows - painting. Never attempt to paint eyebrows on your own - this procedure need only go to a specialized beauty parlor or salon, where a specialist will make the color according to the rules, and it will not harm your health.

In addition, you can do permanent makeup or tattooing eyebrows. This is an expensive pleasure, but for a few years you will become the owner of a beautiful bright brows.

If your eyebrows deliver a lot of trouble, lose their shape and become shaggy - will help you trim the scissors for too long hairs, as well as special brushes and gels that hold the shape of the eyebrows.

Care for your eyebrows every day on a regular basis, then they will always look nice and neat!

Tags: shape, eyebrow correction