How to improve the elasticity of the skin

How to improve the elasticity of the skin
 Young skin is elastic. With age, the same processes of decay are becoming more visible. Skin looks flabby, dull and prone to irritation. For information on how to return it to its former elasticity, many women begin to think with the advent of the first wrinkles. However, the use of various creams and masks and even slows down the formation of new wrinkles, but does not eliminate the existing problems.
 An important role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin plays a correct and regular maintenance. This may be used as cosmetic preparations and methods of folk medicine. The main condition - funds must be of high quality and suitable for your skin type.

It is recommended to buy creams and lotions that have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To care for aging skin is better to resort to special sparing agents that do not violate the water-lipid balance.

Very useful to use rose oil. It is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and increase collagen production. Effectively used as a basis for making homemade cosmetics castor, almond, sea buckthorn, linseed and olive oil.

The diet must be present fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, greens. Drink more water. But from cigarettes, alcohol, soda and fast foods should be abandoned.

It is important to protect the skin from harmful environmental factors. Before going out, especially in the days of increased activity, it is recommended to apply on the face sunscreen.

Increase the elasticity of the skin is able to mask curd. For its preparation must take 3 tablespoons fat cottage cheese and grind it with 1 tablespoon honey. The resulting mass of carefully applied to the face for 20 minutes, except for the area around the eyes, then remove with a cotton swab that has been soaked in warm milk.

Another great tool - a mask of oatmeal. A few spoonfuls of cereal soaked in yogurt or unpasteurized milk, and the resulting gruel smeared face. After 20 minutes, even lose elasticity, weathered and overdried skin becomes more beautiful and smooth. For oily skin type is ideal mixture of oatmeal, juice of one lemon and well whipped egg white.

Save elasticity of the skin can be and with the help of potato, boiled in their jackets. Mash it to a pulp and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Starch molecules contained in the potatoes, can penetrate deep into the skin, thus delaying excellent moisture. In addition, a large number of available starch vitamin C helps to cleanse and smooth complexion.

Tags: skin, face care