How to improve the elasticity of the skin

How to improve the elasticity of the skin
 As a result of age-related changes, improper skin care, uncorrected diet (including drastic weight loss), the influence of harmful environmental factors, etc. facial skin loses its elasticity. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to observe the basic rules of healthy living and nutrition, regularly caring for skin treatments, visiting beauty salons to do or doing them at home.
 First of all, exclude from the daily diet spicy, fried, fatty, salty and sugary foods. Try to include dishes from natural foods rich in iron, selenium, silicon. Very useful for improving skin elasticity germinated wheat grain and buckwheat.

Do not forget that you need to moisturize the skin and inside, for that drinking plenty of fluids, including drinking non-carbonated water.

Secondly, be sure to get enough sleep and during the day as often as possible to be outdoors.

Third, get rid of a bad habit, such as smoking (if you have it), because it will lead to dry skin and premature wrinkling.

Fourth, a very responsible attitude to the choice of cosmetics, acquiring only quality and proven the positive side samples.

Currently, firming facial know many caring procedures: masks, compresses, the use of vegetable oils, lotions, etc. Very good effect is given packs of mineral water or infusion of the flowers of rose hips (3 teaspoons half a cup of boiling water on the petals).

Very popular are the following recipes for facial masks: a high degree of fat cottage cheese and honey (the proportion of 3: 1), oatmeal, stir in yogurt, baking trembling, mixed with a small amount of warm milk and gruel of boiled in their jackets and peeled potatoes .

If you are not allergic to honey, the beauticians are advised to lubricate the face with honey, the most effective is this procedure when visiting the baths or saunas.

As an herbal infusion can be prepared a composition: mint, lemon balm, marjoram, rose petals, taken in equal parts.

To make the skin more elastic, use anise, almond, peach, fir, lemon, etc. Vegetable oils, causing them to pre-moistened skin.

Tags: skin, face care, elasticity