How to get rid of warts on the eyes

How to get rid of warts on the eyes
 Warts around the eyes - unpleasant phenomenon. However, there are many popular recipes, helps get rid of this disease. Remember: before using this or that means you must always consult with a physician. Also, the expert can offer professional wart removal procedures.
 Tincture of garlic

This tool displays a fine warts. However, it should be used with extreme caution, without damaging the delicate skin around the eyes. Means applied directly to the lesion site using a cotton swab. For the preparation of tinctures, you will need to grind 3-4 cloves of garlic. Thereafter, the mixture must be filled with 5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This infusion is closed tight lid for 7-10 days. It should be used 2-3 times daily until complete disappearance of the warts. Remember, garlic itself is an effective tool for removing warts from the skin around the eyes. Grated slurry can be applied as a compress for 1-2 hours by repeating the procedure for the day.


The leaves of this plant are also able to remove warts. Before using aloe, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Soak a cotton ball in the resulting solution and apply to the wart for 7-10 minutes. Cut aloe leaf properly wash and cut it along. A small slice of the lesion to attach and fix plaster. Recommended procedure carried out in the night, leaving a bandage until morning.

Grass delphinium

For the treatment of warts dry plant should be ground to a powder consistency. Obtain funds necessary to rub 2-3 times a day.


For the preparation of ointments you will need to stir the natural honey (1/2 teaspoon) with onion juice (1 teaspoon). The resulting mixture was applied to the wart, fixing on top with a cotton swab and plaster. Before you apply this ointment skin around the affected area is smeared with Vaseline or a nourishing cream, not to burn. Procedure is recommended to carry out several times during the day, leaving a compress for 30-40 minutes.

Tags: Eye, skin, wart removal, prescription, medication, medicine