How to get rid of the redness on the nose

How to get rid of the redness on the nose
 The nose may be red due to frost as a result of vasodilatation. There is also a more serious reason for this phenomenon - demodikoz. This disease requires the intervention of an experienced physician, in other cases can be handled independently.
 Find out the cause redness, you can decide how to deal with the problem. The nose may be red, if a person has violated digestion, resulting in colds, anemia, and also because of strong emotion, stress or other conditions of the body. Sometimes the redness causes inflammation of the hair follicles that are in the nostrils. After cure the underlying disease occurs, the redness goes away by itself.

If the above-mentioned diseases and conditions of the body do not cause redness on the nose, it can be assumed that the local vascular disorders and enlarged pores - the result of malnutrition. Excessive overeating can cause flushing. Redness on the nose may appear after a cup of strong coffee, drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods or too hot dishes.

To the nose reddened less in response to changes in the weather, you have to temper. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile and sage or twice a week to make compresses or baths of these concoctions. Hot compresses should be alternated with cold. In the winter time to dress warmer in the summer, it is desirable to hide from direct sunlight. Going out in the cold, do not forget to lubricate the nose inside and outside with melted duck or goose fat. To the nose did not shine, it can be a little powder on top.

Prepare a decoction of lime color. Morning and evening, try to wipe the nose this broth. Useful standing at the open window, do exercises for the nose. Inhale and exhale air through the nose, alternating short and strong breaths. When you have finished charging, wash with cool water and make a gentle massage using fingertips.

People suffering from varicose veins should avoid cosmetics, within which is contained alcohol in any form. Yeast mask also contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, so from them should be abandoned. Use cosmetics and masks that are designed for sensitive skin.

Reduce red streaks you can use massage with jojoba oil, its a good bedtime.

Tags: nose, treatment, red, demodectic