How to get rid of the swelling under the eyes

How to get rid of the swelling under the eyes
 Swelling under the eyes do not paint a woman. But how often many of us morning begins with scrutiny in the mirror unpleasant swelling of eyelids and bags under them! And now we decide to declare a merciless war edema. But before we do that we must find and eliminate the reason for the swollen eye.

Edema of the eyelids may occur from fatigue, excessive drinking at night, smoking and lack of sleep. Also, swelling of the eyelids may indicate kidney disease, heart and other important organs. So it does not interfere checked by a doctor if you regularly swells. If the swelling - an unfortunate accident, not a sign of illness, they should avoid and resolve.

To my eyes do not swell, it is very important to sleep in the right position. Pick a good pillow that she was holding your head slightly elevated above the level of the body. Do not drink a lot of fluids the night - not only alcohol, but also water. Her oversupply leads to edema eyes. Do not sit at the computer all day, plenty of sleep, eat fruits and vegetables, walk in the fresh air. All this will make your eyes beautiful, will not develop edema.

If in the morning you still find that swollen eyelids, try the local media. Well remove puffiness and bags packs of tea. Take a little brewed tea bags and attach them to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Swelling subsides. Can also be applied to the eyes of silver spoons. Only silver should be chilled. And it is desirable to take the old, it is somehow more efficient.

Love potatoes? You read that right - it will help to puffiness and dark circles. Grate a small potato, put in two marlitsy and apply on eyes for 10-15 minutes. You do not have to rub and do two carved potatoes roundels. The effect will still be. Potatoes can be mixed with parsley or dill, they enhance the action. Helps with swelling and boiled potatoes in their skins. It must be cut in half and put on the eye.

A beneficial effect on the eyelids and eliminates swelling infusions and decoctions of various herbs. You can make and impose on the eyes chamomile, sage, field horsetail. Even better - forever wipe cubes of ice grass. To prepare such cubes. It is necessary to cool the broth from the right herbs and pour it on special molds, and then put into the freezer. Remedy for edema ready - take it and wipe your eyes!

Perfectly removes puffiness cold milk. It constricts blood vessels and removes the swelling eyelids. Pour in a little cup of whole milk or cream, a good soak two cotton swab and apply on eyes for 10-15 minutes. You can also lubricate the skin under the eyes whipped egg whites. They are great tone.

Do not neglect and decorative cosmetics. Couple strokes foundation visually make eyes less puffy. However, this temporary facility helps only for small problems. If the bags - your constant companion, there is a cardinal option - to resort to laser correction or blepharoplasty.

But it is better not to bring to such extreme means. Use the right cream for the skin around the eyes, maintain a healthy body, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not be nervous. And then the swelling under the eyes are a rare temporary nuisance.

Tags: eyes, eyelids, swelling