How to get rid of red spots on the face

How to get rid of red spots on the face
 Red spots on the face - a very common phenomenon, while they may be manifested in different ways. It depends on the cause of the problem.  
 First of all, the appearance of red spots on her face encouraged to seek qualified professional help. An experienced doctor will help identify the true cause rashes and install the necessary treatment.

The cause of the inflammation on the face or infection may serve as an unhealthy diet, allergies to foods, vitamin complexes or drugs, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous or stressful situations.

After the appearance of red spots on the face follow the diet. Perhaps inflammation occurs after eating citrus, nuts, honey, chocolate, or any medications. In this case, to get rid of red spots, simply remove these products from their diet.

If you have not found the cause of red spots on the face, eliminate from the diet of their food sweet, smoked, fried, fatty and flour dishes, as these foods can trigger an allergic reaction.

If the reason for the appearance of red spots lies in a nervous state or temporary stress, visit a specialist. It was he who, having studied your disease, will prompt the necessary treatment. As a rule, in this case, are appointed by the anti-anxiety drugs, aimed at strengthening the nervous system, such as tincture of motherwort, valerian and others.

If red rashes on the face arise due to adverse weather conditions, for example, from extreme cold or sweltering heat, try to use a special ointment containing vitamin complex. This method helps the skin to be more resistant to temperature changes, making it softer, eliminating dryness and flaking. In any case, to purchase a cosmetic should be in consultation with a specialist.

When the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema necessarily consult a dermatologist, as in this case, some antiseptic agents usually deal is complete. The doctor will prescribe a full range of treatments to rid the skin of red spots, itching and irritation.

Tags: spot, face, red, disease, treatment, red, reason, freedom