How to get rid of pigmentation on the face

How to get rid of pigmentation on the face
 The appearance of age spots on the face can ruin not only the appearance, but also the mood. And to get rid of them is worth a lot of effort. However, regular use of bleaching agents can give good results.  
 To eliminate age spots on the face of daily use bleaching creams and natural remedies that have the same effect. Namely, whey, yogurt, yogurt (for oily skin), sour cream (for dry skin), the juice of fresh parsley, cucumber or lemon and strawberry pulp. Use them individually and in combination. Whitening mask do only on clean skin and apply them mostly on dark spots to gradually align the complexion.

For evening make skin whitening masks from dairy products. Then in the morning they are not left peculiar smell. Apply them to the dark spots with a thick layer. Leave to dry completely. Then remove with a damp cotton pad and then rinse your face with warm, acidic lemon water. After the mask, use a whitening cream.

In the morning, wipe the skin juice of fruits and vegetables. And on the dark spots, apply their pulp. In addition to the bleaching action, they also vitaminize skin, make it smooth and velvety. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with water (room temperature) and, depending on the type of skin, apply a light moisturizer or fat nourishing cream, but with a bleaching action.

Skin Whitening spring must be combined with prevention of new spots. To do this, use a sunscreen with a high UV - filter. Apply them for 30 minutes before going outside.

Eliminating pigmentation, do not forget about the internal cleansing and strengthening the body. And for that regularly visit the bath, breathe fresh air, move more and exercise, drink enough water, get enough sleep and periodically take vitamins.

Getting rid of age spots, do not expect immediate results. Before the changes started in the body, which eventually appeared on the skin may need a few years, so be patient and slowly but surely achieve positive results.

Tags: spot, skin, face, mask, pigmentation, removal