How to determine the type of skin? Test

How to determine the type of skin? Test
 Every woman is ready to spend a lot of effort and money to her facial skin was the same as that of Hollywood beauties - perfectly clean, perfectly flat, perfectly smooth. In general, just perfect. Buying new, often expensive cream advertised in glossy magazines, we all hope that he will work a miracle - if the skin is dry and flaky, it will become supple and soft, if clogged with oily pores - a clean and level. But, much to the dismay, often our expectations are not met. And whether all the fault of cosmetics? Perhaps we are guilty, that does not take care of our skin as it needs? Of course, there are lucky, which is given from birth beautiful skin, but most women have to carefully take care of it in order to succeed. The fact that each type of skin needs its own care, and therefore - it is necessary to know your skin type faces to make competent care plan. Today women's magazine JustLady teach its readers how to identify the type of skin - and this is the first step on the road to perfect skin. So, how to determine skin type. 

Everyone knows that, depending on the moisture content and quantity of grease naturaltype of skin conventionally divided into oily, normal, dry and mixed (combined).

Normal skin

Looks skin of this type of fresh, clean, smooth and supple. It is resilient to the touch, a nice pink color, contains enough of grease and moisture. Suchtype of skin usually does not cause any problems to owners of almost - invisible pores, blackheads and wrinkles not. Journal JustLady can only congratulate those lucky. The pH of normal skin types - 5, 5.

Oily skin

Due to increased greasiness skin looks polluted, because fat accumulates in the pores and clog them, much sparkle. Thistype of skin characterized by a tendency to acne and pimples. Before menstruation is often inflamed skin. However, the owners of this type of skin can soothe the fact that it rarely appear wrinkles, which means that it stays longer young. Due to excessive greasiness on the skin forms a protective film that retains moisture and does not penetrate into the harmful substances. JustLady delight its readers with this type of skin that age her condition improved and she often gets mixed. Oily skin pH - 5 5 - 6.

How to determine skin type. To determine whether you have oily skin, do the following: clean skin and a few hours later press paper napkin or tissue paper to the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. If fatty traces remain throughout the paper, then you have oily skin. If the average of the face fatter cheeks, it is likely that you have a mixed type of skin. Identify oily skin will help youtest skin type:

- The skin has a greasy shine throughout the day?
- Often there are acne, and even on the cheeks?
- The complexion appears faded?
- The skin often appear comedones (black dots), acne?
- The skin looks loose, wide pores?
- The skin often appear red spots and irritation?
- You suffer from frequent inflammation, especially in the premenstrual period?

If the answer to all questions is yes, then your skin is to fatty type. If the majority of positive responses, the magazine recommends JustLadytest skin type the determination of a mixed type.

Dry facial skin

Dry skin can be "natural", that is, at a young age and younger looking skin so thin and delicate, with invisible pores. However, even in young people with dry skin may already be fine wrinkles. If not for dry skin care as it needs to, it may appear irritation, feeling of tightness, flaking and redness. There is another origin of dry skin - due to the lack of fat due to malnutrition or diseases of the pancreas and liver. Also, dry skin can occur due to lack of vitamins A, C, PP. dry type of skin pH - 3 - 5 5.

Determination of the type of skin: Clean skin, wait a few hours and then carefully examine your skin in bright light, and answer the following questions:

- The skin appears matte, rough to the touch?
- The skin pores visible?
- The eyes were fine wrinkles?
- After washing, there is a feeling of tightness?
- Due to the cold and wind skin reddens and it appears irritation?

If the answer to all questions is yes, then your skin is dry type. If the majority of positive responses, then you will most likely combinedtype of skin.

This skin is different in that the fat grease on your face unevenly distributed. Usually T-zone - forehead, nose and chin - oily, acne and blackheads, and the skin on the cheeks and around the eyes - dry, scaly and light wrinkles. mixed type skin pH ranges from 3 to 6 depending on the regions.

How to determine the type of combination skin: Clean the skin, pat her tissue paper or cloth, and then answer the questions:

- Leaves, which mopped the T-zone, have obvious traces of fat?
- Does the T-zone acne and large pores?
- Inclined to whether the skin flaking and irritation in the winter?
- Does it seem that the skin in the summer months fatter than at other times of the year?
- The skin on the cheeks looks dry, flat?
- Whether to start the T-zone shine an hour after cleansing?

If the majority answered yes, then you have a mixed type of skin.

Women's magazine JustLady hoped that our advice on howHow to determine skin typeWill help you make educated plan of care, and because it is - the first step on the path to perfect skin!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

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