Homemade facial toner: folk recipes toning

Homemade facial toner: folk recipes toning
 Between the stages of daily cleansing and moisturizing the skin is another mandatory step - toning. And it is better not to miss, because lotions, tonics, when applied to the skin has a double effect: the skin is removed from the remnants of makeup, dirt and cleaning agents, and, of course, tone the skin. Moreover, ordinary at first glance Vodicka can even eliminate some cosmetic problems. But it is necessary to choose tonic suitable for a particular skin type. By the way, it is not necessary to select the tonic, studying the contents of the shelves. This cosmetic product is quite possible to cook on their own. How? Answer this question women's magazine JustLady.

Before you prepare your own facial toner at home, you need to learn a few rules.

1.Naturalnaya cosmetics all good, and its only disadvantage is too short shelf life.Homemade facial toner - Is no exception. Prepared without the use of alcohol, he kept a couple of days, and its constituent alcohol increases the shelf life of just a few weeks. About any months and years to which you get used to using the purchase of cosmetics can not be considered.

2.Homemade facial tonerWhich is planned to be used for dry skin, vkorne different from the one that is suitable for oily or combination skin. And not so much to its constituent ingredients as the presence or absence of alcohol. If a tonic for oily skin alcohol dries and performs disinfectant function, dry skin does not need to dry, and its disinfection can be achieved with the other ingredients. Therefore, the use of alcohol tonic for dry skin toning is highly undesirable.

We are accustomed to the fact that some cosmetic ingredients are present only in the media for dry skin, others - for oily skin. But there are also versatile ingredients that are not only efficient, but also the properties required any type of skin. One of these ingredients - cucumber.

Homemade facial toner: folk recipes toning

Homemade facial toner with cucumber

Some of us still remember a glass bottle with the inscription "Cucumber Water", which ranks among the major cosmetics Soviet women. And not for nothing that he held, as a cucumber - a great tool for cleaning, whitening and moisturizing the skin.

Unlike some exotic flowers from New Zealand or thermal plankton cucumber is an affordable product. So why not cookhomemade facial toner with its use?

Cucumber tonic for dry and normal skin. One medium cucumber slice with peel into small cubes to get 3 tablespoons of cubes. Pour the specified amount of cucumber cubes a glass of boiled milk and cook for 5 minutes. The cooled mass strain and use as a moisturizing and restores skin brightness means.

Cucumber tonic for oily and combination skin. Grind cucumber to produce a slurry. 4 tablespoons of this slurry mixed with 1 tablespoon chopped lemon peel and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. The resulting mixture pour 1 cup of vodka and a tightly sealed pot infuse for 15 days. Then drain, add cool boiled water in a small amount, 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon of honey.

But not all the ingredients that may contain a home facial toner, is versatile and suitable for all skin types. Therefore JustLady offers individual recipes, which can be preparedhomemade facial toner depending on your skin type.

Homemade facial toner: normal and dry skin

As we have said, dry skin does not require drying, and the main purpose for which the holders of such skin use tonic - a cleansing, moisturizing and toning. We proposed recipes are geared to achieve this goal.

Oat tonic. Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with two cups of hot milk, cover and refrigerate.

Pink Tonic. Pour 3 cups of petals of red roses almond or peach butter so that all the petals were completely covered. Then, the resulting mixture was heated in a water bath to bleaching petals, drain and cool.

Birch tonic. Half a cup of birch sap boil, mix with one teaspoon of honey, stir and cool. Suchhomemade facial toner excellent for cleansing dry aging skin.

Lime-honey tonic. 1 tablespoon lime-colored pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse in covered form within an hour. Strain and add one teaspoon of honey.

Homemade facial toner: Combination and oily skin

Even if cookedhomemade facial toner designed for oily and combination skin at the same time, remember that these types of skin still differ. If oily skin is characterized by increased production of sebum in almost all areas, the term "combination skin" means neighborhood fatty skin areas with normal or even dry.

That is why podsushivayuschee tonic alcohol-based owners of combination skin should be used very carefully, putting them only on those areas which have an increased formation of fat (usually the so-called T-zone: forehead, nose, chin).

Grapefruit tonic. Pour fresh grapefruit peel, placed in a non-metallic bowl, half a glass of cooled boiled water. Already submerged peel chop and leave to infuse for 2 days, after which the liquid drain.

Lemon-carrot tonic. Mix 2 tablespoons of carrot juice with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of mineral water. After 10 minutes of use of such a tonic wash with warm water.

Green tea tonic. 2 tablespoons lemon juice pour 1 cup of cold green tea. Thishomemade facial toner copes with shine-free skin.

Alcoholic herbal tonic. Mix in a resealable container 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried flowers mother and stepmother with 1 tablespoon of dry powdered sage leaves and 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort. Pour a mixture of herbs ½ cup of vodka and close the container for a week to draw. After the mixture infusions drain it, and just before use diluted with desired amount of the mixture in the same amount of boiled water.

Homemade facial toner need to use 2 times a day after the cleansing procedure. Know what to do cosmetic procedures useful for the skin, so even with the help of his own funds prepared - this is such a joy.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: cake, tonic recipe, cosmo