Facial hair removal: 6 options that work!

Facial hair removal: 6 options that work!
 Hair on a woman's face - a very unpleasant phenomenon, it is not surprising that each of the fair sex in a hurry to get rid of them. It is not so difficult, the main thing - to choose the right method of hair removal.

Electrolysis - an effective way of getting rid of unwanted hair. The procedure is as follows. With the help of special needles weak current is applied to each hair follicle. Due to electrolysis hairs become thinner and weaker, their structure is destroyed.

The disadvantages of this method are its possible duration (some may require regular treatments over several months). It is worth noting and soreness electrolysis, as well as relatively high cost procedures.

Laser or photo-epilation

This method is considered to be one of the most reliable and fast in the fight against unwanted hair. In the process of hair removal short beams of light affect the follicles, slowing down or even stopping the growth of new hair.

To completely remove hairs in a single zone it may take up to six sessions, but unlike the previous procedure laser hair removal is less painful and not so time consuming.

The disadvantage of this method is considered the fact that he - more expensive and not everyone can come, so as to achieve the result you need to hair was darker skin.

Depilation using wax or sugar

This method is quite popular, because of its relative cheapness. In today's stores you can find a lot of sets for depilation wax at home.

To use the strip of wax must be applied to the skin smooth and well to better stuck. After that band together with glued hair sharply removed. The use of sugar - the same. The only difference is that the strips are removed is less painful because the sugar is attached only to the hair, but not to skin. The composition of the strips comprises mostly natural ingredients, whereby the possibility of irritation is minimized.

After use, the strips of wax or sugar smooth skin can be up to six weeks. But repeated use is possible only when the hairs grow back to a length of 5 mm.


If the hairs you want to remove a bit, plucking it will be the best way to get rid of them. You need to prepare in advance tweezers and magnifying mirror, also need light, preferably daily. It is necessary to tighten the skin and hair with tweezers to pull out sharply in the direction of growth. Result from plucking store up to six weeks.

Is best done after the plucking of water procedures, when the pores are open, then the process of removing the hair will be quick and almost painless. To soothe the skin, you can use a special balm, which is easily available in the shop.

Chemical depilatory agent

These tools are cheap and easy to use, but can cause an allergic skin reaction. Therefore, before applying them you need to carefully read the instructions and take the test. Such a method can give smoothness for up to two weeks.

Hair Growth Inhibitors

These funds do not eliminate the emerging hair, but may slow the growth of new ones. After the treatment, the hairs become thinner and paler, respectively, depilation will be easier, and its result will be stored for a longer time.

Such tools are available in the form of creams, which need to be rubbed into the skin 2 times per day. The result may be noticeable after a month of daily use. But not all hair growth inhibitors will give it, so maybe it will be some time before you will be able to find an effective remedy for themselves.

It is worth remembering, and that shaving should not be used at all, otherwise everything done before, will not achieve results. Razor cleaves the end of the hair, making it thicker, resulting in the removal process will be more problematic.

Additional sources:

  • Facial hair removal: 6 options that work!
 Author: Andrei Sidorov

Tags: hair growth, forum, hair removal, photo, fashion, wax removal, hair removal method, strip bulb option set, therapy, deliverance, plucking, retarder, Volosik