Dry lips need special care

Dry lips need special care
 Dry lips are prone to flaking and cracking. It not only looks unsightly, but also causes considerable discomfort. The problem is exacerbated in the cold season, and the best way to solve it - proper skin care lip.

Causes of dry mouth

The skin of the lips does not contain sebaceous glands, and therefore under the influence of adverse factors in the first place begins to suffer from lack of moisture. Peeling, cracking, bleeding, dry spots on the lips may appear not only in windy weather, but also because of the deficiency of vitamins in the body under stress, weakened immunity, allergies, certain medications. Suffer from this problem not only adults but also children. The child has become very dry lips is most often due to the constant licking. Get rid of the dryness of the lips, you can use the proper care.

Dry mouth can also be one of the first signs of dehydration. When this symptom should increase the daily amount of fluid intake to two liters.

Care for dry lips

Purification of the lips is an important stage of care. Remnants of lipstick should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover. Those who do not use cosmetics, lip can be washed under running water. During the procedure, you can make a gentle massage with fingertips. This will improve circulation and help restore the protective properties of the dry skin of the lips.

It is not necessary to follow the recommendations of the now common and massage lips with a soft toothbrush or towel. This may damage the delicate skin and worsen the condition of the lips.

Dry skin on the lips and around the mouth should be lubricated with a nourishing cream or balm. Apply the product to be very careful, gentle circular movements. Alternatively, suitable and vegetable oil. Rub it into the skin of the lips as you can before going out, and after his return. The effect will be more pronounced if the pre-added to the oil vitamins A and E help moisten dry lips and chapstick.

Nourishing Mask Lip

If the lips are dried despite the measures taken, it is possible to prepare nourishing mask. Good effect has a mixture of carrot juice and fat cottage cheese made in the ratio of 1: 1. Apply makeup to the lips need for 15-20 minutes. At any time after the mask should be washed off with warm water and grease lip cosmetic product, for example, hygienic lipstick or Vaseline.

Tags: lip dry, moisturizing, skin care