Bioreinforcement face: anti-aging beauty treatment

Bioreinforcement face: anti-aging beauty treatment
 Some names of cosmetic procedures did not immediately give us an idea of ​​what is, in fact, these are cosmetic procedures. Why are only names such as biorevitalization or oksimezoterapiya. Women's magazine JustLady tell you about one of these procedures, which is called bioreinforcement face. After reading this article, you will understand what is really behind this complex term hides quite clear cosmetic procedure.

Bioreinforcement face - the golden mean between the anti-aging creams and surgery

You can often hear from women that rejuvenating cosmetics for the face does not give the promised results. Of course, the stop time and leave a woman aged 25-30 years as cosmetics can not. It performs support functions, which are essential for the skin, but for the women themselves are not always sufficient.

And then, after long wanderings beauty, begins to loom on the horizon, plastic surgery, which seems to be the only possible means to bring back the clock.

But really all so categorically, and beauty after 35-40 years - it's only merit surgical intervention? The achievements of modern cosmetology allow not judge the rejuvenation so categorically, because today there are methods that can be called intermediaries between the departure using cosmetics and surgery. One of these methods isbioreinforcement person.

The history and nature of the procedure

The term reinforcement was originally not from the field of cosmetology. It is used in any area where there is a need for strengthening say something through a kind of frame. In cosmetology samebioreinforcement person - This is not the first procedure, which began to perform in order to strengthen the skin, oval face and, accordingly, rejuvenation.

Has long been rumored that the show business stars are used to rejuvenate the gold thread. Of course, not used alone, but with the help of beauticians. But the details especially nobody go. Everyone knew only that it was thanks to threads of gold stars look younger and more effective.

If, however, a little vdatsya into details, it is possible to find out what gold thread just yet fulfilled the function of the frame for the face. A strengthens skin, for combating producing a foreign body in the form of gold and collagen connective tissue.

Bioreinforcement person - A procedure that has a slightly different principle, but have the same objective, which is to create a kind of framework for improving the oval face and skin condition.

The most important differenceBioreinforcement those reviews on which quite often appear on the Internet, from the golden threads of reinforcement is that the skin is introduced not gold, and biological material related to the skin. Furthermore,bioreinforcement person does not imply a surgical intervention, which is not about reinforcing gold threads.

Procedure "bioreinforcement face" is performed by administering via injection of biological material based on hyaluronic acid. Injections are made on those skin areas that require rejuvenation. Biogel will not be subcutaneously always like golden threads. Administration by injection, it performs its function (active causes the production of collagen and elastin) and then dissolves.

In contrast to the reinforcement of gold thread,bioreinforcement person - A procedure that requires a few sessions. For optimal effect beauticians recommend doing this procedure three times. Breaks between procedures should be two weeks.

Bioreinforcement person: indications

Indications forBioreinforcement person are age-related changes of the skin, which can be prevented or reduced by increasing the production of skin collagen and elastin. The procedure provides a framework for the renewal of the skin, which weakens with age, so the main thing of the indications for Bioreinforcement - this deterioration of facial contours.

But as a result of the procedure is to increase the production of elastin and collagen in the skin cells, it is logical and what bioreinforcement person leads to increased levels of moisture in the skin and to a decrease in age-related manifestations such as wrinkles.

According to cosmetologists, the optimal age for the procedure "bioreinforcement person" - 35 - 50 years. This does not mean that women in the older age such a procedure is not carried out. Just in this age range can be achieved most pronounced results.

Bioreinforcement person: reviews

 Of course, before you decide on any cosmetic procedures, we want to see real results, and hear real testimonials. Yes, useful to familiarize with the information provided on the Internet. As on date, there are several ways to learn online about the procedurebioreinforcement person: Forum professional cosmetologists, forum about Bioreinforcement person created by women who want to do this procedure, or women who have already decided on it, and are ready to leave about bioreinforcement person reviews. Furthermore,reviews of Bioreinforcement personplease visit cosmetic clinics that provide services to conduct such a procedure.

Of course, to know about the experience of others never hurts, but JustLady still advises major attention to the information provided by your doctor cosmetologist, you have decided to entrust this procedure. Also, do not forget that any, even the most painless cosmetic procedures, there are contraindications.

Bioreinforcement person: contraindications

Before the procedure, a beautician should explain to you all the features of its conduct, give details of the rehabilitation period, and pay special attention to contraindications forBioreinforcement personAmong which:

- During the exacerbation of any disease;
- A bleeding disorder;
- The flow of an infectious or inflammatory process in those areas of the skin where it is planned to introduce bio-gel injection;
- Receiving anticoagulants;
- Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
- Tendency to the appearance of the skin keloid scars;

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: forum, gold, acid, circuit, age, yarn review, oval, procedure reinforcement, bioreinforcement