Antimony eye: therapeutic properties and rules applying

Antimony eye: therapeutic properties and rules applying
 Antimony - secret charming oriental beauties. But now it is available not only for them. It has long been popular antimony worldwide. How did she use it and what kind of benefits it brings?
 What is antimony? And this is nothing like a chemical element, semi-solid metal, which is engaged in production already 5000 years ago. Used it since then variously produced vessels, prepared on the basis of antimony alloy and typographic ink rises with it the hardness of other metals.

There are several varieties of "cosmetic antimony." The most natural product - powder antimony, which is smaller than the better. However, to use it is not so easy. It should be applied with a special wooden stick, which is pre-soaked for a couple of days in the oil poured into a wooden vessel. Thereafter, it should wet cloth. Antimony powder is poured into the vessel, which again falls wand. After absorption of antimony in the wand to apply makeup. More convenient form of this eyeliner - pencil. In addition, the known antimony paste sold in jars.

The main advantages of antimony should be noted that it has no expiration date. Powder antimony never dries. Another plus antimony - its lack of chemical dyes, perfumes and other is not too useful for the skin and eyelashes components. In ancient times the antimony used as a treatment for infectious diseases in animals and humans. And today it is an excellent prevention of conjunctivitis, barley, and other inflammations. If we talk about the decorative properties of antimony, its natural shine helps to give the look of mystery, make it a fascinating and romantic. In color it may be pure black, slightly greenish or gray. Incidentally, the antimony can be used not only as a liner, but also as a means of adjusting the color of the eyebrows.

It should be noted that modern "cosmetic" antimony is often mixed with a variety of healing oils. And it greatly increases its useful properties. For example, a mixture of antimony with menthol oil is an excellent way to relieve fatigue. This eyeliner - a real treasure for women who are forced to spend long hours at the computer. Such a structure helps to relieve swelling and eye does look fresh. Eyeliner with calendula oil to help moisturize dry skin. A antimony with camphor oil is a great stimulator of growth of eyelashes.

Tags: eye makeup, property, application, application, antimony